Mirror, Mirror on the wall: Who has the most beautiful cow across the country??

The agricultural exhibition was opened on Friday. Now the island life revolved only around fruit, Vegetables, Cows, Sheep, Tractors and similar things.



While in a marquee, awarded the most beautiful vegetables and were presented to the island's many products, all about the four-legged beauties turned in two other tents. Riders are already sometimes very specifically, with regard to your Favorites. But what we saw, ließ uns doch mit offenem Mund staunen 🙂





Blow-drying, styled, sheared and even painted, Here, all the stops were pulled really. Was funny to see, that stöckelten also the finely dressed ladies with their high heels through the cow tent. Immer schön zwischen den Fladen hindurch 🙂 Der Besuch der Landwirtschaftsausstellung gehört wohl mit zu den wichtigen kulturellen Ereignissen auf der Insel 🙂 Aber nicht nur Kuhliebhaber kamen auf Ihre Kosten, also for the riders heart there to see something here.



And there was something also for PS fans. Dietmar dreamed off immediately once again by a Lamborghini. Finally Ferruccio Lamborghini has built tractors before he was in dispute with Enzo Ferrari and then decided, his own legendary cars (Bulls) to produce under his sonorous names. Today, Dietmar dreams to make them even a tractor in the garage. Stiere unter sich 🙂


So spent two days at the exhibition or in the city and the surrounding area. Meistens waren wir mit Katya und Per unterwegs und es gab immer viel zu lachen 🙂


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From the vantage point directly above the Harbour, you had wonderful views of the city and the surrounding area. The rise in any case was worth.

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Auch die SCARLET an Land hatte man voll im Blick 🙂

On Saturday evening we met the crew of SY TAMARIN to the dinner, before Louis and Annick again back would sail to France in Brittany. On Tenerife, we had spent a fun time together. Tomorrow morning the two with the support of more experienced sailors will participate the long journey to France. It will probably take at least ten days, until for the TAMARIN again land in sight. For them, it will be the longest strike of their previous life of sailors. So they were in the meantime also repeatedly immersed in thoughts :-), What we could understand well. The dinner in the restaurant on the waterfront was still a fun farewell, bis wir uns vielleicht irgendwann in der schönen Bretagne oder sonstwo wieder sehen 🙂


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