Monthly Archives: April 2015

On discovery tour

Dietmar was always okay for crazy ideas to inspire. I was not surprised when he opened me, that we would drive evening today with Marco and ester small exploring on the buzzer on the sea.

Marco discovered a spot off the coast in his Lake map, the water depth should be in only twenty meters. Around this collection is but surrounded by about 130 Feet of deep water. What is probably hiding behind this unassuming depth indication? An impressive and of course fishing underwater mountain with optimal diving landscape? An unidentified wreck as new diving spot? Das wollten wir herausfinden 🙂

Our SUMMER is equipped with sonar, that can generate great underwater pictures with the help of DownVision.


So we broke up four early evening. Great sailing conditions with pleasant outside waiting for us, light breeze and almost no wave. Good one and a half hours drive, we reached our destination. As we drove over the waypoint, We saw…..nothing, anywhere above 130 Meters water depth :-(. As we turned around the point a small round, the depth of the water remained unchanged.

So we discovered unfortunately no great and new dive site, which would then surely bear our name, but the exceptional sailing trip was great fun all. Auf dem Rückweg gab Dietmar sogar das Steuer aus der Hand und unsere Tauchlehrer präsentierten sich als talentierte Segelschüler 🙂



So we let us drive through the area, huh and enjoyed the sunset overlooking the rugged volcanic coastline. Just before it was dark, were we back to our ancestral place of refuge.



Suddenly film stars :-)

The last two days have been very busy for us. Because prior to the “Camera stand” We know that is no. Now he is ready, der erste Film mit uns Beiden in der Hauptrolle 🙂

Well, Maybe that was now somewhat exaggerated, denn eigentlich hatten wir von den Dreharbeiten ja fast gar nichts mitbekommen 🙂 Wir hatten zwei spannende Tauchgänge in den letzten beiden Tage unternommen. Ester was our dive guide, were we accompanied by Marco for fun, It was finally time to try out his new video equipment.


We are of course very pleased to the successful film, mit dem wir jetzt überall angeben können 🙂 Nach dieser schönen Überraschung hatte Dietmar dann auch ganz schnell die schmerzhaft stechenden Zusammenstöße mit gleich drei (!) During the today's dive forget sea urchins. Fortunately the injuries were limited thanks to 7 mm neoprene. We counted only 12 Spines, die den Weg in seinen Oberschenkel geschafft hatten 🙂

Here in the far east of Madeira, some of the particularly interesting dive sites are something from the coast away. So it takes really quiet weather conditions, where to dive. Besonders Strömungen machen das Tauchen dort zu einer Herausforderung 🙂 Da landet man manchmal schon woanders, than one that just had calculated. Und es kann dann auch schon mal zu spontanen Begegnungen mit stacheligen Hindernissen kommen 🙂


Our first, lazy weekend in Madeira

As planned, we reached the Marina Quinta do Lorde at noon to 2: 00. The wind has 12 Miles to go yet once firmly up on 28 Node set to and filmed on South. So we ran into the top nine-node above ground. A sweeping conclusion of our trip, Although we gladly would have driven our Anlegemanöver with slightly less wind.

The Marinero unerringly directed us to exactly the place of refuge, that we have had already held in October. Was für ein Zufall 🙂 bei 270 Moorings in the Marina. Just like last year we are in the area, the shaft running through the Harbour entrance and had our SUMMER in place as usual with six lines and additional shock absorbers.

But now it was time for lunch. Even today in celebration of the day in the Marina's restaurant. On the way there we passed directly from Esther and Marco Azul diving. We announced we long before us and the joy of reunion was great. So everything since our departure late last year was what, were we discussing a common Cup of coffee. In the last six months, they had a new “Assistant” can named Thai win for the diving center. The hairy Gesellin should take care of sometime during their training the four-legged customers. The young lady was of course also with the bar and kept us there powerful on their toes. She managed to carry it namely time and again their toys in the water, which we then alternately “Save” had. Eine geschäftstüchtige Mitarbeiterin also 🙂


In the last three days, we faulenzten extensively in the Marina. This idleness was interrupted only by two dives, a nice invitation to dinner at ester and Marco and clean-up actions on the boat. Also we took the website back on stand and I answered mails, that had remained unanswered again once too long.


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On Sunday afternoon, we saw past sailing the SY SOUTHERN CROSS at the Marina. We followed her on foot through the mountains and saw, as she lay in the next Bay anchor. On Monday, she will continue sailing to Porto Santo, bevor sie dann endgültig in Richtung Mittelmeer nach Mallorca verschwindet 🙂





After Madeira – 2. Day

Since this morning at eight o'clock, the engine growled. As announced we had almost no wind. All attempts, continue to drive under sail, turned out to be impossible. The Atlantic Ocean looked like ironed, only a slight swell moving water.

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So our day was very comfortable. Read books, Writing reports and enjoy the Sun, in between something delicious to eat, There remained no wishes open.

Against 16 We sighted clock in ca. 10 Nautical miles distance the first ship on our trip. The tanker “Hispania spirit” but soon again disappeared on the horizon. But a short time later, we had our next movement with other living things. Right next to our boat a large turtle paddled eagerly us over in the South. So far we had heard while, that other sailors had seen turtles, but we had had no luck so far. So it was a first for us and we turned a lap of honour, to once again admire the animal up close. Das Foto ist aber leider trotzdem unscharf geworden 🙁


Shortly before sunset, we found, that is a stowaway on the SUMMER had made comfortable. A nice swallow had almost an hour by us through the landscape of water drive up huh, before she went their separate ways again on.


At eight o'clock, Dietmar verkrümelte in the bunk and I assumed the first watch. In contrast to yesterday it was not dark, because a narrow Crescent Moon shone from the sky. Although the engine growled, very nice and peaceful was the night. About two o'clock I will then wake up the captain and give me a decent Cap full of sleep.
Only 70 Nautical miles ahead of us. So we are the Marina Quinta do Lorde tomorrow around noon reach.

After Madeira – 1. Day

When today morning the alarm clock rang, it rains quite heavily for Canary conditions. But the showers ended soon and we could leave as planned about nine o'clock de la Palma the Marina Santa Cruz behind us.
We followed under engine of the coastline in the North. Later, when we reached the open Atlantic, We put the sails. Our SUMMER slid quickly through the water. Wind and waves were pleasant, not too much or too little.


Soon was La Palma behind us and slowly disappeared in the haze. A huge school dolphins paid us a visit. At least 40 Animals played even in the bow wave, times alongside our SUMMER.



Otherwise, the day was completely uneventful. So far we have seen no other boat. The sails will be, and it is rapidly North. Dietmar has taken over the first guard to 9: 30, now at two o'clock in the morning I'm.
Outside it's dark without Moonlight. The starry sky is wonderfully clear and nice to see. Around the boat, the many sparkles again. A great first night of sailing after the long break. It can be like :-).

Bye-Bye La Palma and “Goodbye” Canary Islands

Tomorrow it starts at nine o'clock to Madeira. We will probably be two or three days. This time we have homework in the luggage, because unfortunately I haven't managed previously, everything, What we have seen in the last week, to write in the blog. So we are probably the crossing also use, our reports to write, and to sort the many photos.

The week on La Palma was beautiful, versatile and eventful.



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At the end of the week we look forward, wenn Ihr auch wieder mit dabei sein könnt 🙂 Bis dahin bitten wir um etwas Geduld.

We realize ship for Madeira

It went to dinner humid cheerful closest tomorrow some more leisurely to the point. After breakfast, we wanted to first in the diving center, our cover pay and “Say goodbye”. On the way to the bus stop, Steffi ran us in the parking lot on the way. It's time really unusual: La Palma diving 71st up service via mental telepathy.

The Goodbye was not easy it us. We will sure miss the great team and the great dive sites. That's why we made it quick and painless and sat an hour later on the bus back to Santa Cruz. On the way to the port, we bought some fresh vegetables for the crossing. I first started the Breadmaker on the buzzer and then began, To cook before food for two days.. You never know, wie es einem unterwegs so geht und wie die Bedingungen sein werden 🙂

Against half past six in the evening we had one last time with Raphael and Johanna agreed to dinner. This time but in the city, and not on the buzzer, denn vor längeren Segeltouren bleibt bei uns die Küche kalt 🙂

We were somewhat surprised, als es schon gegen sechs bei uns an der Bordwand klopfte 🙂 Mit einer großen Tüte Avocados standen Caro und Ronny am Steg. Today is your day, and so she had seen us in the diving center. Um sich persönlich zu verabschieden sind sie extra für uns zum Hafen gekommen 🙂 Wir fühlten uns wirklich sehr geehrt und waren sehr erfreut 🙂 Wir überzeugten sie, still a bit to stay and to go after with the others together even in the town.


We were then full strength against seven and were on the way into town. On a small square with a picturesque fountain there was an inviting tapas bar, on the terrace we us cozy made it. A beautiful last night with good and funny talks faded away around 11 P.m.. Morgen wollen wir ja fit und ausgeschlafen in Richtung Madeira aufbrechen 🙂



Busy on the buzzer

For tonight visit had said on. Giselher by SY SOUTHERN CROSS widower since Thursday and to the opportunity we had invited him for dinner today. So I set off in the market Hall in the city, to fill our fridge again with fresh vegetables. The market hall was picturesque, but unfortunately quite small. The offer was also unfortunately a bit short of my expectations. The farmer's market on La Gomera or Tenerife had convinced me more.

But of course I got everything, what I needed and was back at noon on the SUMMER. Just in time, to hang my laundry from the washing machine to pick up and illegal manner on the buzzer, because it is in the Marina Santa Cruz de la Palma “Hang laundry” prohibited on the boat. But what are you going to do, I had not other ways yes. Because the Marina Office was closed on Saturday afternoon, I assumed, dass es keine Probleme geben würde 🙂

Suddenly, Dietmar iPhone rang. Phoned our friend Raphael diving. Last night we had invited Joanna and Raphael still welcome on the SUMMER, now the two already on the doorstep were. But dear guests are of course always welcome. Especially if you or a bottle of wine and two six packs have beer in the luggage (This really is not a mandatory condition and has especially pleased)

A short time later we sat together at the coffee and biscuits in the cockpit and was followed by seamlessly to our funny conversations yesterday. Our common friend Frank was of course a theme and the successful dive trips in the last days. So we came by sticks on sticks and the time just flew by in the flights. Dietmar was still an extensive SUMMER tour after the coffee, while I met already the initial preparations for the evening meal.

Soon the skipper Giselher advanced the round and knew with his sailing stories awarded to the entertainment of the round to contribute. Our galley could cope with easily two additional guests for dinner and so stood a long, cosy and later also wet fun evening nothing more in the way.


The captain sacrificed even a bottle of fine port of Churchill from Porto. Mehr braucht man über diesen Abend dann auch wirklich nicht mehr sagen 🙂 Lustig war`s 🙂 und so schön spontan. We will miss you. Aber man trifft sich ja bekanntlich mindestens zweimal im Leben 🙂


One last time Malpique :-(

At some point even the most beautiful time once nears its end. Today we have agreed the last for us dives on La Palma with Ronni. On Tuesday, we will then throw off the lines and sail in the direction of Madeira.

I wanted to use the morning to shop. I had seen the market Hall of Santa Cruz only from the outside, and now the opportunity was there, to change. For next week I wanted to fruit and vegetable bunkers like today but the shopping in Santa Cruz could not really convince me. The market hall was nice to look at, but it rather cute small. The goods not so fresh, as I had hoped and the prices higher, als ich gedacht hatte 🙁 Trotzdem werden wir in der nächsten Woche sicher nicht verhungern 🙂

When Caro then took us down to two at the Harbour entrance with car, had I stowed everything well and safely. I wanted to cook out for the trip to Madeira but only on Monday.

At the base we met yet Raphael and Johanna and together we went then with Ronni five Malpique. Two dives were scheduled for today. One “Normal” in the afternoon and a fluorescence-dive with blue light lamps in the evening.

But what exactly is fluorescence dive?

The term “Fluorescence” the influence of blue or ultraviolet light is the glow of many sea creatures. A tiny protein called GFP is responsible for the fluorescence for “Green fluorescent protein”. Fluorescence dives are night dives, with a lamp, radiates the light in the blue and ultraviolet region, be performed. Many living things, especially coral, reflect light with a longer wavelength (visible light) If she with blue to UV light (invisible light) be lit up. The resulting colours is a completely new experience and yet not fully explored.

Bekanntlich kommt ja das Beste immer zu Schluss 🙂 Wir wollten uns gern überraschen lassen 🙂

Already the afternoon dive was a special highlight. We were still not entirely submerged, as we did on the first Skate “stumbled upon”. PICT0924.jpg

Also the seahorses were today for a photo shoot available.


Today I was on the road the first time with the camera and I didn't, was ich zuerst fotografieren sollte 🙂

A marble torpedo

One of the two moray eels

The Balloonfish “Emil”

After this dive, I was not sad, that I in the next round would be because there was only 4 Sets for fluorescence diving. Dann überließ ich das mal besser den alten Hasen 🙂

We use the time until sunset to the “Hamburguesa” – Food. During the whole time, Dietmar struggled with his sad fate, to rise again in the wet wetsuit. Er tat uns allen wirklich leid 🙂

Back at the dive site in the new equipment have been given. This included not only the blue light lamp, but also a yellow filter, He with a headgear before the diving mask was attached. Shortly before the dark, the four are maschierten down to the beach and I remained alone in the car.

As also the last rays of the Sun had disappeared, again and again I saw signs of light in the sea. Das sah schon echt verrückt aus 🙂 aber ich konnte so ganz bequem den Weg der Gruppe unter Wasser verfolgen. After an hour, then again, I heard voices on the beach and a short time later all had climbed the steep road up to the parking lot. Everywhere I saw happy faces- The dive was a resounding success with new impressions.




Moving and storage the equipment is a challenge in the dark. Since already a hand must hold the flashlight mostly a free hand for other things is missing, die man eigentlich gerade erledigen will 🙂 Außerdem kann es leicht passieren, that you light things, die nicht beleuchtet werden wollen 🙂 “Hey!! Nicht in die Damenumkleide leuchten rief Johanna als Dietmar im Auto sein Handtuch suchen wollte 🙂 !!!”At some point, but everything in the car was stored and tired and satisfied we headed back towards Santa Cruz.

We are strange – Boat trip without our SUMMER

Somehow, we were in the course of the week at the right time at the right place (in this case the dive) been and the Buzzard for today had with get this two places for the coveted dive trip.


The BUZZARD is a true shrimp, how he today by fishermen in the East- North Sea used. By freezing ego Koog from the ship was in the year 2006 Gran Canaria and finally end 2008 transferred to La Palma. She was we noticed during our stay in Tanzacorte.

So it was to get up early, because at quarter to eight Caro stood in front of the Harbour entrance, to pick us up. In the dive, we met the rest of the Group, of which we knew only Raphael. Five non-divers were so part of the game, just wanted to enjoy a nice boat trip.

After an hour we reached the Marina Tazacorte and stowed our gear on the Buzzard. And then it all started even. The sea was smooth as a duck pond, and the sun shone from the sky. Endlich waren wir mal wieder auf der Sonnenseite der Insel 😉


Already after 20 Drive minutes it said for the divers: Prepare equipment, move and ready to go for diving. On the first dive site "la Bombia" we would go to five in the water: Raphael, Frank (Name changed from the editors :-)), Dietmar, our guide Shaun and I. Frank was all still a blank slate for us, because so far no one had dipped with him. Somehow I had a funny feeling while of preparing the equipment. Raphael fared alike because he had to actively support Frank when it comes, the bottle on the jacket and the regulator to connect. I'm still pretty early in my diving career, But what made it so frank, seemed pretty Spanish. He strapped himself to the Grand Finale is still a 25 Centimeters long dive knife around calf. Das konnte ja spannend werden 🙂

The Buzzard had reached the first dive site and it went into the water with a great pace through the side door. While diving off showed his impressive technique us frank and fierce paddling disappeared into the depths.

The dive will be probably still remembered, because somehow it was different today. Shortly after defrosting, we saw a large Ray on a sandy area. Slowly and carefully, we emerged closer, because no one wanted to stir up verscheuchten or sand the animal. But Frank managed easily, to beat the animal to flee, indem er immer noch heftig paddelnd einen wahren Sandsturm unter Wasser auslöste 🙁

A few minutes later, we were suddenly only another three. Amazed and somewhat insecure we agreed to wait for the first time and to stay together. Where were frank and Ronni gone? Unfortunately, the sight was not enough to the surface of the water. After a perceived eternity approached two divers from above. You could see from afar, that the two do not agree was because Ronni was frank in his bottle in tow. We followed with a certain safe distance and continued the dive. From the underwater world I got really nothing more, the scenes were to fascinating, which took place in front of us. In the meantime Ronni Frank had on its emergency air supply (Octopus) taken. Again you could properly both under water “discuss” see. Or Ronni Herzog at his Octopus behind Frank as a defiant child.

After thirty minutes, Ronnie finished the tragedy and we showed up. The Buzzard was straight to the point and all divers and equipment back on board were quickly. What had happened right there under water, is complicated to explain in detail. A but we can safely say: Our diver Frank probably had not the qualifications, He had specified that in the diving school and was with him, its equipment and its surroundings completely overwhelmed. Thus he could have been very easily a danger to himself and all other divers. For him, the diving trip for today's end was thus and Ronni took him for a serious conversation again extra to the page, nachdem er sich etwas beruhigt hatte 🙂 Ein solcher Tauchgang ist auch für den Guide kein Vergnügen 🙁

After an hour leisurely cruise tempers had calmed down again and we reached the next dive site “Carbo Verde”. Here the lava under water has created three great arches. The second dive was in relation to the first completely uneventful and relaxed. Several morays, a great damsel, We have seen shoals of trumpet fish and all sorts of other animals.



Back on the Buzzard has a table waiting for us. Delicious Spanish tapas such as Patatas rojo arrugadas with Mojo or Mojo verde to grilled chicken taste at sea after the dives twice as tasty as otherwise on land. On our way back then also the non-divers on their cost came to Tazacorte, as a large school dolphins and three pilot whales crossed our path.



Frank stay still, our topic of conversation during the next days. Especially after one of his friends had told Dietmar, that they no longer go diving with him, because them too dangerous unless. Frank was unfortunately just. You no longer comes out of the head-shaking. A small note at the diving school before the trip would have been really helpful. Good, nothing happened, such situations can be slightly dangerous. We had ours in the next few days in any case “Running gag” and could just laugh. Frank, wir werden Dich niemals vergessen 🙂