Daily Archives: 19. April 2015

Busy on the buzzer

For tonight visit had said on. Giselher by SY SOUTHERN CROSS widower since Thursday and to the opportunity we had invited him for dinner today. So I set off in the market Hall in the city, to fill our fridge again with fresh vegetables. The market hall was picturesque, but unfortunately quite small. The offer was also unfortunately a bit short of my expectations. The farmer's market on La Gomera or Tenerife had convinced me more.

But of course I got everything, what I needed and was back at noon on the SUMMER. Just in time, to hang my laundry from the washing machine to pick up and illegal manner on the buzzer, because it is in the Marina Santa Cruz de la Palma “Hang laundry” prohibited on the boat. But what are you going to do, I had not other ways yes. Because the Marina Office was closed on Saturday afternoon, I assumed, dass es keine Probleme geben würde 🙂

Suddenly, Dietmar iPhone rang. Phoned our friend Raphael diving. Last night we had invited Joanna and Raphael still welcome on the SUMMER, now the two already on the doorstep were. But dear guests are of course always welcome. Especially if you or a bottle of wine and two six packs have beer in the luggage (This really is not a mandatory condition and has especially pleased)

A short time later we sat together at the coffee and biscuits in the cockpit and was followed by seamlessly to our funny conversations yesterday. Our common friend Frank was of course a theme and the successful dive trips in the last days. So we came by sticks on sticks and the time just flew by in the flights. Dietmar was still an extensive SUMMER tour after the coffee, while I met already the initial preparations for the evening meal.

Soon the skipper Giselher advanced the round and knew with his sailing stories awarded to the entertainment of the round to contribute. Our galley could cope with easily two additional guests for dinner and so stood a long, cosy and later also wet fun evening nothing more in the way.


The captain sacrificed even a bottle of fine port of Churchill from Porto. Mehr braucht man über diesen Abend dann auch wirklich nicht mehr sagen 🙂 Lustig war`s 🙂 und so schön spontan. We will miss you. Aber man trifft sich ja bekanntlich mindestens zweimal im Leben 🙂