The SCARLET on the move

By Katya must fly next week Tuesday, unfortunately back to Sweden and wanted to go before their SCARLET in Praia because make Victoria land.

Today, crane appointment was so :-). A day which skipper hearts, but unfortunately not in a good way.


Since we were the next morning with part of the game and were the two with good advice. The Marina but had a such a good and experienced team, that required no helping hands. So hielt ich die ganze Aktion eben nur in Bilder fest 🙂 Das mache ich ja sowieso am liebsten.



The travel lift was in good condition, and performed his work without problems.



An hour later the SCARLET had arrived at their country parking. Here she would the next three months is certainly on per and Katya wait, until she in September again in the old antique water back must.


We left the two, to undertake a first gear in the city and to buy the joint dinner. Praia because Victoria was preparing on the Azorean agriculture fair. Around the Marina, tents were set up on all the free places and food stalls lined our path.


The city centre was tidy and pretty like almost everywhere on the Azores. We followed a small pedestrian zone and came directly to the open market Hall. Dietmar fully packed with fruits and vegetables ever returned to the SUMMER, while I on the search after the supermarket made me. I circled it slowly in the next twenty minutes :-(. This time my sense of direction had meant it not so good with me.

At least five minutes before our guests I was with my purchases back to the SUMMER. But that was no problem all. Together, Katya and I prepared dinner. To work together on our boat in the pantry, is really a challenge. Alone, I have often enough and need more time, Dinge von rechts nach links zu räumen als für die eigentliche Essenszubereitung 🙂

Today it was but just. There was even caught tuna delicious salad and dessert fruits. Das war recht einfach zu koordinieren 🙂 Weil wir uns nicht sicher gewesen waren, whether the tuna for four people would be enough, had I purchased another fish in the supermarket. I had chosen a medium-sized Barracuda. Why of all people a Barracuda ? The reason for this was really easy. It was the only fish, the I (except for salmon) at the big fish counter also knew :-). Tuna was no longer on sale.

As almost always sure turned out, that the tuna would have been loose enough for four people. Meistens hat man ja eher zu viel zu Essen als zu wenig 🙂 So blieb der Barracuda im Kühlschrank für den Samstagabend 🙂 und war ein guter Grund für ein weiteres lustiges Abendessen miteinander. Die kurze Zeit bis zur Abreise am Dienstag wollten wir so gut es geht auskosten 🙂



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