Daily Archives: 12. October 2016

Time travel

The wind wasn't particularly kind to us at the moment. Either too much of it or on the nose or no wind at all. Paradoxically, we found "no wind" to be "optimal sailing weather" and got up early. The day on the water was really enjoyable. No steep waves against and lots of sunshine.


In the early afternoon we entered Newport Bay. When we drove completely relaxed around the next rock outcrop, we saw two cruise ships anchored in the distance. What did they want there??

We looked for a mooring in the huge inner harbor basin and made our way ashore. We were definitely after the last ones, blown-days in the mood for a nice hot shower and a subsequent welcome coffee. Even the search for the urban Dinghy Dock was difficult. More than ten different marinas lined the shore. Publicly actually looked none of them. Eventually, we were then also matter and we moored at the Newport Yacht Club. The Dockmaster told us very nice, would find where as the harbor master. That could help us safely with all our questions. But today is the day which should somehow be "unsuccessful search". Although we found the harbor master building, but not the harbor master. Then we wondered through further, because there was no doubt in the city a "Mariner Center", with all, what the sailors so desires. We found that too, but it will always be at the end of the season (since yesterday) closed. It was now almost six o'clock and we were still a long way from the long-awaited shower and coffee. Annoyed we made our way back. While Dietmar quickly got bread for breakfast, I bumped into the harbor master. We had walked past that before. The good man did the transfer service for the crusaders. At least he could help us a little further. Duschen gab es noch an einer anderen Stelle direkt im Stadtzentrum. Die schlossen aber schon um 18 Uhr die Pforten. Das Timing heute war wirklich überzeugend 🙁 Auch unsere Mooring konnten wir bei ihm nicht bezahlen. Die gehörte wohl jemand anderem. Aber immerhin bekamen wir den Tipp, wegen der Duschen doch einmal beim Yacht Club anzufragen und den Chef dort freundlich von ihm zu grüßen. Und das funktioniere dann letztendlich auch. Gegen sieben Uhr machten wir uns sauber aber ohne Kaffee auf den Weg zurück zum Boot. Für heute hatten wir erstmal genug von Newport.


The next day should make up for the unsuccessful start. So the owner of our mooring appeared and actually buttoned us 60 dollars a night for it. Gosh, on the other hand, Boston was a real bargain. And that even includes a hot shower. We were impressed, but what should it. With his description we found the public dinghy dock and from there we started our trip across the headland to the Cliffwalk.


The streets were lined with really magnificent houses and the further we went, the better it got. A short walk along the cliff with stunning scenery and the sea on one side and the stately homes on the other, we reached our goal: „The Breaker`s“, the largest and probably the most magnificent of all houses. We wanted to visit that.


with good 70 rooms and additional 20 Bathrooms it was for a summer house, that was only used a few months a year but was kept quite generously. Just like the other houses of the rich and powerful of the land of 18. century, who fled to Newport to escape New York's summer heat.



After a palace, Dietmar had had enough of the splendor and preferred to take care of "everyday business".. Newport is also a yachting center, where you can find some wonderful boating shops. I organized the rest of the afternoon as a castle marathon, because four more palaces could be visited:




„Marble House“


„Chateau sur Mer“


and "The Elms". It's a good thing we didn't come in the summer, then all eleven houses would have been open. I could never have done that :-).