Daily Archives: 10. October 2016

Just in Time

That's how we planned our short trip to Martha's Vineyard, that we wanted to spend Sunday night's announced foothills of Matthew safely behind the hurricane barrier in New Bedford. That's why it went back early on Sunday. At half past seven Dietmar untied the line from the mooring and we motored towards Woods Hole. Im strömenden Regen hatte auch diese wirklich bezaubernde Insel keine besondere Anziehungskraft mehr auf uns 🙂

Ganz „Gentleman like“ stellte sich der Kapitän in dem Regen ans Steuer und ich durfte die Überfahrt im Trockenen verbringen 🙂 Er kann schon wirklich charmant sein, der Herr Henke 🙂 Nach einer halben Stunde empfingen wir über Funk erschreckende Nachrichten: „Yacht in Wood Hole auf Grund gelaufen“. Die Armen, so etwas wünscht man ganz sicher keinem 🙁 . Aber musste das ausgerechnet heute sein? Da mussten wir doch jetzt auch durchfahren. So beschlossen wir erst einmal abzuwarten und fuhren mit verminderter Geschwindigkeit weiter auf unser Ziel zu. Wir verfolgten weiterhin den Funkverkehr. The Coast Guard was already on its way and soon the helpers were on site. However, the rescue took quite a while and, like the rest of the shipping traffic, we slowly passed the scene of the accident. A smaller sailing yacht was pushed onto the stones by the strong current. We could understand that very well, because the corner was really tricky. That's why we chose the exact time today to drive through, where the tide turned and there was almost no current. So, despite the handicap, we arrived safely on the other side and motored on to New Bedford.

When we finally reached the port, the wind whistled pretty good and the rain hadn't decreased either. I reluctantly slipped on my oilskin and together we tied the CESARINA to a mooring. Then quickly into the dry and turn on the heating. There was no improvement in the weather in sight until tomorrow evening and we made ourselves comfortable on board.

At least the next day was dry, but the wind was still partly blowing with more than 30 Node. Going ashore with the dinghy was out of the question, if you don't want to arrive at the marina soaking wet. But there is always enough to do on board and even such a day somehow passes. Tomorrow we wanted to take another step west and sail to Newport.