Baptism of fire

Now it was serious. On the Saturday afternoon we had made all preparations, to us on the about 840 Nautical miles long back in the Algarve Vilamoura to make travel from the Azores.

Still quite happened us quite strange. Although we were flown with two large travel bags in the Azores, but somehow, incredibly many things were missing, that we had such a long sea routes like this one. Only the really necessary and safety had found in the luggage space. In addition Pieter and Rini had a basic set of tools, Signal equipment and kitchen equipment on the CESARINA. On board all but was still pretty unusual and strange. Let's see how we together the next few days would pluck us, wir Drei 🙂

The first challenge was also equal the berthing for two with 20 Knot crosswind, He put us firmly on the bridge. Es hätte ja auch entspannt losgehen können 🙁 Nach ausgiebiger Diskussion der Ablegestrategie gelang Dietmar das Manöver aber mit Bravour und ich stand mit dem bereitgehaltenen “Emergency fender” völlig arbeitslos am Bug 🙂 Während Dietmar uns sicher aus dem Hafen steuerte, had I do heavy work. For such a big boat has also correspondingly large and heavy fenders and mooring lines long and thick, die jetzt ordentlich verstaut werden wollten 🙂 Das war doch deutlich mehr Arbeit als auf unserer SUMMER 🙂

To play the entire five and a half days in detail, würde wohl den Rahmen sprengen 🙂 Also beschränke ich mich nur auf die besonderen Highlights!

Especially difficult for us “Roles sailing spoiled” was the conventional rig of the CESARINA. Setting, Reefing or mountains of the mainsail is always connected to a trip to the mast, What when there are waves, Darkness or rain can be really uncomfortable. So we were content us initially only with the (Roll)Genoa, Let our CESARINA raumem wind well seven node of which noise. After the wind strength and direction had stabilized, We decided, to take us before the onset of darkness on the setting of the mainsail. Just in case but in the 1. Furling, to be on the safe side the coming night.

Little blue-eyed Dietmar set out equipped with safety vest and harness in the direction of mast, while I steered the ship with the bow into the wind. Now the CESARINA was so unfavourable to the shaft, that Dietmar had been the first shower behind, bevor er überhaupt am Mast angekommen war 🙂 Jetzt lohnte sich das Ölzeug auch nicht mehr 🙂 Aber für das nächste Mal würde er sicher besser gerüstet sein 🙂 Das Setzen des Segels dauerte zwar noch ziemlich lange, ran but without complications. So happy we could book the first sailing manoeuvres as a success.

So we sailed motivated and relaxed in the first night. After dinner in the cockpit, I assumed the first watch, While Dietmar comfortably in the booth back. Gegen ein Uhr war dann Wachwechsel und ich durfte bis um sieben Uhr ausschlafen 🙂 Und schlafen kann man ganz hervorragend auf der CESARINA. Your length, Their weight and the sleek shape are eerily comfortable ship movements. In addition our bunk is airy but not more so nice and wide as on the SUMMER, but it absolutely seaworthy. You can't have everything, Yes.

Just for me the CESARINA has another advantage: Sie schlägt mir fast gar nicht auf den Magen 🙂 Nachteil ist, now at first I have to Cook. Sonst konnte ich mich immer die ersten Tage davor drücken 🙂 Dabei musste ich feststellen, that the locks of doors and drawers work something different than on the buzzer. Is very important on the CESARINA, You must push the button to close back in the drawer, otherwise, it is namely not locked. And with more wind and angle the cutlery drawer flies then just unchecked through the entire Salon. Fortunately she has just missed me. This never happened to me.


One thought on “Baptism of fire

  1. This is a true adventure with Yes, you two. I got from the sailing stuff no idea know only WINDWARD and LEEWARD, but it all seems very complicated and therefore admirable, If it works with a new boat. Kind regards Anja

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