Baptism of fire 2. Part – Now wind really comes into play

Once we had mastered the first challenges but pretty neat, decided further to increase the level of difficulty the fate. For the next two days, neatly much wind was announced. A thick depression would traverse North of us. Although we had set our course significantly farther than necessary after South, Wind speeds were up 38 Node (Wind strength 8) announced.

We decided only the mainsail when downwind wind in the 2. Reefer to keep standing and awaited the things, die da kommen würden 🙂 Und der Wind kam mit Macht, too much rain brought with him and gave us a day's run (Driven nautical miles in 24 Hours) by 182 Seemeilen 🙂 Sonst blieb alles erstaunlich ruhig im Schiff 🙂 Während meiner Wache saß ich unter Deck und polierte Beschläge :-), While Dietmar slept peacefully next door. All 10 I checked minutes radar and AIS, but no other ship was far and wide to discover. Bei dem Wetter schickt man ja auch nicht einmal seinen Hund vor die Tür 🙂 Auch nach dem üblichen Wachwechsel um ein Uhr hatte Dietmar nichts zu klagen und ich schlief wohlverdient und friedlich 🙂 So hatten wir unser erstes schweres Wetter gut hinter uns gebracht und im Laufe des nächsten Tages ging der Wind auch wieder auf angenehme 15-20 Tie back. Als kleine Belohnung für die letzten beiden anstrengenden Tage tauchte ein Pottwal direkt neben unserem Boot auf 🙂 Schon der zweite den wir treffen, Since we're on the road with the CESARINA.

On our drive to Vilamoura, we should make a more wind-rich experience. In the meantime we had in lighter winds Genoa, Mainsail and mizzen set and enjoyed the pleasant half wind sailing speed more than eight-node (We wanted to get as fast as possible :-)) Out of nowhere a dark rain cloud suddenly appeared. A squall! (local low pressure system) This had not only properly downpour, but also really windy in the luggage. Before we have a chance to the react had, We were already located in. Of 15 on 35 Node up in less than three minutes. Quickly we did close the hatches and felt, how our CESARINA put just a bit on the side, then to pull away with 9 nodes. It was wonderfully stable in the sea and held the course without shooting in the wind, wie es eine kleinere getan hätte 🙂 Trotz der beeindrucken positiven Erfahrung ihrer Seetüchtigkeit haben wir uns vorgenommen, to avoid more squalls or to meet only with customized sail area. You must not challenge Yes happiness. At some point, our first big trip went to then but the end. We arrived at Vilamoura on Thursday night about eleven o'clock at night. Much to our surprise we were waiting. Emil and Marita stood first on the pier and little later also at the jetty, to take our lines. Both of us fell a stone of the heart, als die CESARINA dann endlich sicher am Steg vertäut lag 🙂 Endlich angekommen! Everything had worked perfectly! Darauf mussten wir unbedingt anstoßen 🙂

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