Daily Archives: 3. August 2014

3x tapas and only 2x Hercules

The Captain has a writer's block. Ever since we arrived in Spain, I kick him repeatedly around the feet. "Can you not even write something` s Logbook?"It Gern, but what for?“ Ok, I understand. Then we want you also no longer in suspense, denn hier passiert doch schon einiges 🙂

The last three days have flown by. After the long trip over the Bay of Biscay were on Friday on various ship repairs, which the captain successfully together with pal Martin completed. So we had during the last week always small and large amounts of water in the bilge. Not really critical, but that has the skipper simply do not like. Water in his ship, where you can eat but otherwise the engine room from the floor. 's Not the point! During the crossing, the crucial idea he had come. Our stern shower, which should free us after a swim in the sea on the bathing platform with fresh water from salt, was coming at the higher Atlantic shaft from behind, every now and again completely under water. As we found, you had next to a se totally unsuitable console with a hole!!! for the hose guide also cut a huge hole absolutely unnecessary in the rear mirror our SUMMER, dass dem Kapitän immer wieder die Tränen kamen 🙁 Da hat die Werft wirklich einen riesen Mist gebaut! After a trip to the chandlery and with the support of the console pal Martin was functionally reconstructed and sealed watertight! Also our radar was at sea more often from simple and had therefore urgently be subjected to critical examination and repair. After a few hours of the error is found. When mounting the radar antenna, an O-ring between the screw was clamped and thus we had at this point a loose connection. The boss was pretty pissed because it 2x in one day the error (friendly talk!) shipyard, with which he is otherwise very satisfied, could iron out. We are at the next night- fog or driving on the road again with a working radar and therefore safer.

While Dietmar and Martin worked on the ship, Waltraud and I made the environment unsafe. A little trip to the famous lighthouse “Hercules” on the program. Comfortable walking along the coast we discovered nice little beaches and beautiful landscapes. The great view from the lighthouse but we want to keep our men and decided not, later to make another trip there.



After completion of all work we wanted to treat ourselves to a nice tapas evening in the old town. At half past seven we set out at the marina and still strolled almost an hour through the narrow streets. Restaurants and bars in all shapes and colors! In the narrow streets so many people were traveling. Sometime we also had found a table in a nice bar. We left the cellar, the selection of tapas, because the Spanish card would not have really helped us. So we were able to enjoy genuine Galician specialties, the quite well with Rioja and Cerveza (Hopfentee) Fit. We were impressed by the great and fast service bar, without a PC and technical aids.

On the way back across the Praza de Maria Pita we heard a quarter of an hour in the open-air concert in. The Spaniards were really fired up, but we convinced the Spanish response (Dietmar said “Revenge”) Milva on despite the great atmosphere not really.



In Spain it has to rain again. Saturday was such a day. So it was once again time, to maintain the website and sort our photos. Dietmar used while new contacts and spent most of the day with Eckhardt and Ilona of the SY LONI 3. The two are with your brand new NAUTICAT 42 on the way to the Caribbean.

One of the rain breaks I used to be an extensive photo-walk through the Old Town.



Since the SY Ganesha with Martin and Violetta wanted to continue sailing south tomorrow we set out to, invite the two of them tonight in a tapas bar as “Thank-you” for help to the ship and the nice reception in La Coruna on our arrival. This time we will choose another bar and other tapas. The evening was but just as funny as the night before.

After the rainy day, the people flocked in the evening in the city. When we on the way back over the “Maria Pita Square” came, was there as well as the night before pretty full. Let's see, has to offer the Spanish entertainment tonight! This time the wait was definitely worth it. Even though the band was completely unknown to us, of course,, the music came on and the mood was huge. We were right in the middle, between all the singing and dancing Spaniards. It was a great feeling! Nur mitsingen ging leider nicht 🙂 Nach fast eineinhalb Stunden und einer langen Zugabe, was this beautiful evening actually almost too quickly to end.



Although we were come quite late to bed, we wanted on Sunday the same physically active start to the day. Together with Wolfgang and Waltraud we wanted the famous “Hercules”, the lighthouse from the second century AD, we do not want to keep the two gentlemen (see Friday). Previously should be on a short visit to the railway station, car rental can be reserved for the planned for tomorrow trip to Santiago de Compostela.

The two men left the excursion approach clearly sporty, while Waltraud and I followed more leisurely. Occasionally helped us through a red light, to reduce the decency again. But it was also, that the two men actually remembered your wives and appealed for a short break on a street corner.

Dietmar had already made with Martin of the SY Ganesha different bike rides through the city and took over towards the train station sovereign leadership. By and by racing driver he was not deterred by the direct route. So we cycled only along the waterfront and then continue on the motorway (hochgradig illegal) out of town. I was really relieved, when we suffer an exit to the station right. Weiter geradeaus wäre es auf die nächste Autobahn gegangen 🙂 Sein Kommentar war nur: “With me you will experience at least some”

The car rental was closed unfortunately, contrary to the statement of the harbor master Sundays. So we went without doing anything further to our next destination: The Playa de Riazor on the other side of La Coruna. Auch diesmal gewannen die beiden Männer diese doch deutlich anstrengendere Berg-Etappe 🙂


After a little refreshment and a further photo-stop, we followed the coast further to the Tower of Hercules, the Waltraud and I had visited on Friday. But today, in bright sunshine saw the whole coast twice as nice. Unfortunately, that also found the numerous Spaniards, who wanted to spend their Sunday here. The line of those, who wanted to climb the lighthouse, frighteningly long. We enjoyed the view from the foot of the lighthouse across the bay and then biked back to Marina.


In the city today circus was announced. On the Plaza Maria Pita various stations had already been set up in the morning. As was found in our fridge nothing enticing for dinner, We decided after a stroll through the circus-place somewhere to go eat something delicious. Surely we found our way to the tapas bar, in which we had spent the nice Friday evening. But this time we had themselves spoiled for choice. These pressed the waitress an English map in hand. And although yes tapas actually translated “Morsel” ie, we had done it again, viel zu viel zu bestellen und natürlich auch zu essen 🙂


