That was really the last time in 2015 :-)

In the first week of my last home leave year 2015 I've organized dutifully and diligently all remaining things and done. That's why I had must reduce to a minimal level visit to friends and acquaintances. The stack of things grew daily in our apartment, You should be still on the CESARINA. Dietmar remained on board the CESARINA, to to to- and after finishing work on the ship. In addition he would have probably not so good survived the flight with his back.

The most important was the same at the beginning of my stay. Our eagerly awaited ship's certificate by registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt when my parents arrived on Thursday after my arrival. Straight fit, because the Federal Network Agency had reported already morning email to me: “Unfortunately, you could edit the application for a call sign and a MMSI without extract from the register of ships.” No problem, He has been with the certificate with this. Quickly I had scanned it and sent by mail. Thus were the last missing official documents on the way.

Otherwise I had but in Germany to get a few more things. In part it was quite trivial things like for example fitted sheets. Our new berths are clearly narrower than those on the buzzer. In Portugal, I had already tried lucky shopping, but the quality of the sheets has can convince me not. Irgendwie bettet sich der Portugiese anscheinend anders und wir wollten auf die gewohnte deutsche Qualität nicht verzichten 🙂

Two additional points on my to-do list had sneaked through the boat Exchange. On the SUMMER I had the luxury of, to my nice comfortable aboard your own laundry. Now we are among the 90% the sailors without washing machine. I had heard of other sailors of long journey, that bags would be very helpful with the ship's name.

My last encounter with a sewing machine is already a few years back but. No good conditions, to handle a such tasks. Also, I would have to buy a sewing machine erstm once again on the first train. That would have not expected to. Good, When you have people in his circle of friends, die sich ganz hervorragend mit solchen Dingen auskennen 🙂

So my path led me immediately upon my arrival to my old friend Stephie and her mother, beide wahre Meister im Umgang mit Nadel und Faden 🙂 So musste ich erstaunt feststellen, dass ein Wäschesack nicht gleich eine Wäschesack ist 🙂

Fortunately I could delete but immediately my second concern the two of my to-do list: Insect protection net for our hatches, deviate very far from the standard. After we had cleared various details and discussed details, was I sure, dass ich Ende nächster Woche mit perfekten Lösungen nach Portugal zurückkehren würde 🙂

Now missing only the new ship stamps and cards. The design I had already designed in Portugal and needed to add only our call sign and the MMSI. Thanks to the Internet, these points were done quickly.

Schifftempel Cesarina

Visiting card - back

Our new call sign “DHKG” werden wir uns besonders gut merken können 🙂 Die ersten zwei Buchstaben “DH” are of course available for Dietmar Henke and the last two “KG” for Katja Glaubitz. It was my maiden name, before I Henke one was. It is a strange coincidence again, We got exactly this call sign assigned to. The beginning may be yes or from the applicant Dietmar Henke have revealed, but my name was not mentioned in the registration. Apparently once again a trifle, die wohl einfach so sein sollte 🙂




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