Category Archives: Preparations

One step forward and three steps back :-(

Highly motivated we were over early on the CESARINA and wanted to start with our day's work. The white color was beautiful dried over night. When I started, remove the masking tape, I pulled off also again with my laboriously applied white paint layer in many places. Ich traute meinen Augen kaum 🙁 und hätte am liebsten angefangen zu heulen. Apparently surface and color tolerated not or I had made a mistake in the preparation. No matter, What was amiss, the end result left on each case is strongly to be desired.

Instead of admitting the first cabinets, musste die Farbe wieder runter 🙁 . Also Dietmar was totally frustrated and had given up. We were considerably behind schedule so ambitious. Until afternoon at two o'clock we fought with spatula, Thinner and scouring pad against the sticky coating on. Then we had restored the old State. After all, everything was clinically clean now. That's why we need to delete there also not more new.

There was the mood anyway still pretty in the basement, could we also get the next controversial issue on the table. Today we wanted to move Dietmar tools on the new ship. While I before ever sorted on the CESARINA existing things, Dietmar disappeared suspiciously long on the buzzer. Again and again I heard buzzing him outside in the cockpit, until he any when then appeared under deck, to notify, that he had brought everything over there.

When I took a look in the cockpit, hit me almost the blow. Where to “Heaven's sake” had he brought it here? Maybe we should think about a boat trailer? Why is the SUMMER rear hitch????

Visits to the yacht shop were promptly banned for the next years. And I was always accused, I had too many shoes. However, my shoes are just a tiny little thing.

Until 8 pm, ordered and sorted we. Sorting out proved but unfortunately very difficult. There were only a few things, the captain could separate itself from which. It was difficult enough, to convince him, dass mehr als ein Akkuschrauber nicht zur Standardausrüstung eines Weltumseglers gehören 🙂 Und drei Stück gingen schon gar nicht 🙁


But at some point we could see land again. Organize and clean out, also without to dispose of many things, are a strength and passion of mine. While Dietmar with dedication links sorted be tool and tons of spare parts from the right after, I took care of the rest. And Lo and behold….irgendwann war fast alles verstaut 🙂

As of today, the clock is running :-(

By our very tight schedule and the dates of the crane for the SUMMER at 25.9. were we somewhat under stress. And what could happen, wenn die Nerven blank liegen 🙂 zeigte sich schon gleich am frühen Morgen. Before breakfast, we both had staged already a bühnenreifes spectacle without spectators. Thus began the drama, that I had found my clothes from the crossing on the floor before our bunk. Normally I would see as just over and clear away the stuff, aber an diesem Morgen platzte mir die Hutschnur 🙁 Wutentbrannt feuerte ich eine Jacke von Dietmar im Salon vor seine Füße auf den Boden. That could now not so leave the. Immerhin hatte er meine Sachen auf dem Boden gefunden und nur an einer anderen Stelle wieder auf den Boden gelegt 🙂 So flog das nächste greifbare Objekt (My Segelschuh) im hohen Boden ins Cockpit 🙁 Das konnte ich auch 🙂 Dietmar`s Segelschuh folgte sogleich dem meinen. Unfortunately I can take neither particularly good, noch besonders gut zielen 🙁 und die CESARINA läuft am Heck deutlich schmaler zu als ich gedacht hatte. So I managed to just barely, to secure the shoe with the boat-hook again and to get back on board, als mein zweiter Segelschuh im hohen Bogen an mir vorbeiflog 🙁 Weit außerhalb der Reichweite des Bootshaken segelte er langsam, aber stetig in Richtung Rezeptionssteg davon 🙂 Während ich auf der SUMMER meinem Schuh hinterher heulte, grumbled Dietmar on the CESARINA to himself. If you have two ships, kann man sich wenigstens aus dem Weg gehen 🙂

But for this morning was on several dates, We pulled us together pretty soon. From nine o'clock, the craftsmen of the CESARINA gave the Jack in your hand. In the middle of the captain with his all wishes. Well, I have to admit Yes, ein paar kleinere Wünsche hatte ich auch 🙂

Gegen Mittag ergab sich dann das Happy End zu unserem morgendlichen Drama 🙂 Nach der Anmeldung im Marina Office wurde mir angeboten, to go back to our boat with Marinero with dinghy. I was very grateful, Since our “Steg G” Walking distance from well 30 Minutes (Once completely around the harbour basin was around removed. And what I found in the inflatable boat???? Meinen Segelschuh 🙂 Der hatte heute morgen an der Tankstelle “applied” and was there immediately been arrested. So here: End good – Alles gut 🙂


Until Friday evening, we had the entire ship into pieces ever “disassembled”. It had to be explored Yes finally each corner new. Pieter had left behind many spare parts and other useful things on board us. It would be surely no easy task, to sort these useful along with our stuff.

Although the CESARINA is well four meters longer than the SUMMER, that does not mean that, that there is more space in the Interior. I'm even quite sure, It is significantly less. Besonders was den Raum für Kleindung betrifft 🙁 Das fand ich irgendwie gar nicht so lustig. Aber dann würde sich der Herr Henke eben etwas einschränken müssen 🙂 Hauptsache, ich kann meine Sachen ordentlich verstauen 🙂

On Saturday morning I had begun, in the Interior at different places subjects, Cabinets and the bearing surfaces under the beds to remove. Das sah gleich noch einmal viel besser aus 🙂

Today the cushions and mattresses to clean have been picked. After 15 Jahren kann man das ja schon einmal machen 🙂 Jetzt war auf dem Deck auch wieder etwas mehr Platz zum Laufen. Beautiful, that we have such great weather down here in the Algarve. Only we could let so wonderful outside everything on deck.

Dietmar had chosen a much more unpleasant task: a complete cleaning and maintenance of the on-board toilet. Das ist ja immer eine sehr unbeliebte Aufgabe und ich erspare Euch besser weitere Details 🙂

So were we on Saturday evening was completely floored, but good things. We would start tomorrow, the first things to clean and sort. This is a step in the right direction but ever!



All booked up

On Thursday afternoon, the phone rang at last. Our visit was on the way back and we had a good reason, Finally let off by our to-do list.

Now we got a new task, because it sounded from the phone: “We would arrive in Vilamoura yes today to you, but we get more busy on the Internet no hotel. Somehow everything is fully booked!” All booked up???? There is something for? After their own Internet research we came to a similar result. Except for the suite of * Tivoli hotels for 1500 € per night was free only a spot in the youth hostel. That was then but unbeatable cheap in the eight-bed room with breakfast (75 € for 3 nights) Somehow, we were sure, that neither the one nor the other particularly would have thrilled to the two. On the spot we found the last for one night, free apartment for a reasonable price. Sure no luxury accommodation, aber wenigsten recht sauber 🙂 Wie es dann weitergehen würde, We had to discuss with the two at the lunch.

As we saw in the late evening again on the harbour promenade. Heute war ein italienischer Abend 🙂 und bei Pizza und Bier ließ es sich viel entspannter planen. We decided together, the SUMMER tomorrow to Albufeira to lay. There, the hotel situation was not quite so hopeless. In addition there Emil and Marita from the SY MIELI would wait on us. In case of emergency, even a double berth would be free on the MIELI. Bei uns auf der SUMMER war leider auch schon alles ausgebucht 🙂 Konstantin und Anna würden von Samstag auf Sonntag bei uns bleiben und für vier Personen ist die Kabine im Vorschiff doch etwas zu kuschelig.

The next morning we met at the buzzer for breakfast. Then the men in the direction of Albufeira wanted to sail, Claudia and I took the car. Unterwegs wollten wir dann auch gleich noch ein Hotel organisieren 🙂 So gaben wir kurz in der Marina Bescheid, that the SUMMER would be on the road until Sunday night and drove to Albufeira. After several detours to almost in the old town core we headed then but for now on the way to the Marina. Here we would find probably a car park and a Café and try from there, a hotel to organize. Because a central Tourist Office, one could help further with the acquisition of hotel rooms, not exist in Albufeira.

While we wandered through the countryside, had the men out there have fun. Dietmar had left the control of Reiner and traktierte his new “Trainees” with its high demands (I know, what I'm talking about :-)). But the two had lots of fun and the tour, which actually only less than two hours should take, withdrew more than planned in the length.

We now arrived at the port and had chosen just a restaurant, When my phone rang. Emil by the SY MIELI invited us for lunch. Than he could clairvoyance. 🙂 So saßen wir keine fünf Minuten später schon am gedeckten Tisch und wurden königlich bewirtet. For the SUMMER, he had reserved it a berth at the same Pier and also in terms of the restaurant, in which we inside wanted to celebrate birthday in Dietmar 50.ten, I got wonderful help.


Now we were able to follow the men's sailing excursion easily on the computer and had amazed to find, that the two instead of the direct route (six nautical miles) had now already well above ten behind. Das würde wohl doch noch ein bisschen dauern 🙂 Aber das war ja kein Problem, sondern eher ein Vergnügen 🙂


At some point they came but then. Relaxed and grinning she maneuvered the buzzer in the box assigned to.


It seemed really to have been a successful trip. Pure blood had leaked anyway. Das löste bei Claudia nicht gerade Begeisterungsstürme aus 🙂 Aber er kann ja jederzeit wieder bei uns mit segeln 🙂


As the SUMMER was safely moored, the two came also still over on the MIELI and immediately got an ordinary investor beer served. And because it was so funny, decided we still together today evening for dinner to go, sozusagen als Generalprobe für morgen 🙂 Auch Dietmar übte im Restaurant schon mal seine Rolle für die morgige Geburtstagsparty 🙂 Da müssen wir wohl noch ein passendes Krönchen organisieren 🙂










On in the struggle against bureaucracy

On Monday morning, he began “Office life” on the buzzer. Just under four days time, to do much! While Dietmar dealt with the technical side of the CESARINA, the authorities due to the re-registration on it got down to eye.

An yacht, the longer as 15 Meter is, absolutely must be entered in the ship register. The ship register is similar to a land for real estate. And how it's just official, so langwierig ist das Prozedere auch 🙁

So begins the procedure in Germany, If all the documents in the original are the corresponding District Court. Vorher geht leider gar nichts 🙁 Die Liste der benötigten Dokumente ist zwar nicht sehr lang, has it but:

  • The application for an entry in the ship register – No problem, You can download on the Internet
  • A certified copy of identity card or passport – das hatten wir letzte Woche in Faro erledigen können 🙂
  • The contract of sale – It's now not difficult

We could get even somehow all documents previously listed, at the last two but we had again relied on authorities and offices. So was missing:

  • The tonnage of the BSH in Hamburg – was then not so time-consuming and complicated as expected. After two nice phone calls and a few emails is tonnage to ca. one week processing time directly to the appropriate District Court sent. Very nice, so soll das sein 🙂
  • The mandatory discharge from the Dutch ship register – the good news: Please send the documents directly to the District Court, the bad news: It takes ca. vier Wochen 🙁

Das sah eindeutig nach eine Zwangspause aus 🙁 Denn alle weiteren organisatorischen Dinge können erst nach der Eintragung ins Register erfolgen.

So begann ich schon einmal den Umzug zu planen 🙂 Nach und nach verpackte ich die Lebensmittel aus den diversen Schapps in Plastikkisten. Then everything was sorted ever (more or less) and it would go after faster. I was already a little anxious with the time. Turned out our SUMMER more and more as a space saver. Für die Altantiküberquerung muss ich gefühlt nur noch frische Lebensmittel einkaufen 🙂 Den Rest habe ich jetzt schon an Bord 🙂 Wo genau ich das alles auf der CESARINA unterbringen soll??? Ich habe noch keine wirklich gute Idee 🙂

Dietmar cared at the time, to bring the technical equipment of our new lady on stand. Eigentlich ist die Formulierung etwas irreführend 🙂 Auf Stand ist das Schiff schon. We have no concerns, with the current facilities of the Azores on 900 Nautical miles to mainland Portugal to sail. But in the long term, there are already some things, die wir auf Dauer ändern wollen 🙂

A water maker is on the wish list top. Dietmar has chosen the same model, We also have on the buzzer to our greatest satisfaction with 16 Run months without errors. Only, that the water makers of the H2O-factory now on 24 Volt will run. The device is waiting hopefully then us, When we here at Vilamoura to the 20.ten September around again. The seacocks for which are fortunately already there, the inlet and outlet of seawater and we even found a corresponding spot in the forecastle for the good piece.

Directly in second place followed by the SSB radio (Lake and amateur radio) with PACTOR 4 Modem. Dietmars Lieblingsspielzeug 🙂 Immerhin gibt es auf der CESARINA schon eine Achterstag-Antenne. Everything is missing, is already on the way from Germany to Portugal. The final installation should then make Jörg Drexhagen of in the Canary Islands. We were more than pleased with his recent installation.

Last but not least we will get a new set sail from NORTH SAILS have. Since there are no exact measurements of the rig of the CESARINA a sailmaker from Belgium is extra to the Azores, to take the accurate measurements. Thus, but also the list of necessary things before the trip in the Caribbean is already pretty much complete.

So can a part to the next, a few more wishes, viele Kleinigkeiten und bald waren die vier Tage verflogen 🙂 Sehr erfolgreich, how we found. Now it was time, again something to relax.



Proven long ride – “Lady” to submit only in loving hands :-)

And what are you doing with your SUMMER??? The question we receive quite often and was for us in the decision-making process he “CESARINA” always a central theme.


Our SUMMER has given us since 2012 always good service done. Since may 2014 It is our solid home and lots of beautiful memories are closely connected. From the outset we have invested more money and gradually to the perfect long boat equipped. Now just before the planned crossing of old antique everything is actually done.

There is absolutely no rational reason, to exchange such ship against another and we know exactly, dass uns viele sicher für völlig verrückt halten 🙂 Jede Vorratsdose habe ich extra passend zur Schublade beschafft 🙂 Unendlich viele Detaillösungen haben wir in mühevoller Kleinarbeit realisiert. Now we know it like the back of our hand and it gives us a good feeling and good safety at sea.

But where love falls, passieren schon merkwürdige Dinge 🙂 Fernab jeglicher Vernunft werden Entscheidungen getroffen 🙂 Und plötzlich steht unsere gute SUMMER ganz alleine da 🙁

It should remain but hopefully not for long so, because we have decided, to leave it in good hands. Perhaps we find Yes someone, which you want to show the world. Actually we had promised that Yes to you.

Until then she will hold safely situated in Vilamoura of things on land, the da will come. We have taken the initial preparations already in attack. The water maker is cleaned and has been preserved because of the long break. Early next week, we will cut off the sails and stowed under deck, before the SUMMER most 25. September with the crane on land will be.

For interested and curious here once all, collected information about our SUMMER: SUNBEAM 42DS sale








If I knew in may already, what organizational challenges I would be early September, would I be waived, for Dietmar 50. Birthday invite some surprise guests in the Algarve.

Unfortunately I could not clairvoyance but – or should I say “Gott sei Dank” 🙂 Ein paar Tage “Forced vacation” würde uns beiden nach den turbulenten Wochen ganz gut tun 🙂 Alleine würde ich den Chef sicherlich auch nicht bremsen können.

Are some time already I was in close contact with Claudia and Reiner, us today evening in Vilamoura “totally surprising” would expect. Now we needed from our Azores island on the mainland just yet as planned and on time back fly and return by train to the Algarve. We were going to the US between 9: 30 and 10 “random” in advance via SMS called restaurant at the port meet me.

Out of concern, that something could be I was a little nervous in the morning. The way was now also really long and there were many opportunities for breakdowns and unforeseen events.

In the run-up to Dietmar had made almost planning my niece, When he travel to the Azores from the 28. up to 30. August had planned. He had booked plane tickets even without my knowledge. I had but to prevent this accident, by I put our tight schedule as the reason for a previous visit to CESARINA. The airline had the tickets as an early birthday present, as the Lady at the travel agency noted, free cancelled. No joke!

But our return journey was completely uneventful until on a jacket forgotten at airport. We could win something even time (and taxi costs) in which we simply already in Quarteira, and thus a station formerly dropped out of our train. There we have come ever last week bus pass. Here one should say, dass Busfahren nicht bildet 🙂

Nevertheless we wandered only against ten o'clock on the harbour promenade along, because I was just sooo… hungrig 🙂 Nach einer gefühlten Ewigkeit (I could push Dietmar so badly to rush :-)) I spied the two – eigentlich genau im selben Augenblick wie Dietmar 🙂


Da war das Hallo natürlich groß 🙂 Mehr als 16 We had not seen each other months. Und nicht nur wir hatten viel zu erzählen 🙂 Erst morgens um zwei Uhr beendeten wir die lustige Runde, but not without to date us equal to the breakfast for the next morning. Because never is one with both the conversation and there is really much to laugh.

The next morning, then, we arrived at the hotel for breakfast, Because buying had I Yes unfortunately can no longer. Because the breakfast would have been but little too lean. Außerdem hatten wir uns in den letzten Tagen doch sehr schnell an ein gutes und ausgiebiges Hotelfrühstück gewöhnt 🙂 Mal gucken, whether the luxury hotel in Vilamoura with our * hotel Terceira could keep.

Extensive test showed, dass auch auf dem Festland ein hervorragendes Frühstück serviert wird 🙂 und das Personal musste uns schon fast rausschmeißen, because the dominions were already cover the tables for lunch.

Für den Nachmittag hatten wir dann etwas ganz außergewöhnliches geplant 🙂 Wir wollten an den Strand. Those who already follow our blog, which would have fallen on, that lazy, lying on the beach, does not belong to our favorite things. Obwohl das irgendwie falsch formuliert ist 🙂 Denn ich liege eigentlich sehr gern einmal am Strand 🙂 Außerdem war ich auch schon längere Zeit nicht mehr Baden 🙂 Hier an der Algarve sollte das Wasser ja angenehme Temperaturen haben.


Reiner and Dietmar wanted to right the way to the beach with a visit to the boatyard on the Marina area. This is while conveniently located within sight, But if you want to swim not over, so you must go around but the whole port basin. Und der Hafen von Vilamoura ist wirklich riesig und die Wege entsprechend lang 🙂 Somit trennten sich nach zwanzig Minuten unsere Wege und wir Damen suchten uns am Strand ein gemütliches Plätzchen. Endlich mal Zeit für ein Frauengespräch 🙂 Fehlte nur noch der Kaffee 🙂 Und da die Herren doch etwas länger auf sich warten ließen, zogen wir nach einer Weile in ein Strandcafe um 🙂

From there we saw also eventually pass the men on the beach. On their way along the water, although every Beach beauty was extensively evaluated (Pure always said “scanned”), aber die gesuchten Ehefrauen sind ihren aufmerksamen Blicken entgangen 🙂 Trotzdem ließen wir sie nicht bis nach Albufeira weiterlaufen 🙂

A small strengthening we were looking for a nice place on the beach us together. Bath time was now! The Sun was high in the sky and it was quite warm. A dip in the Atlantic Ocean should now bring cooling. So I went with Claudia first on the way to the cool waters.

“Cool wet” was somehow not the apt description. The water was so cold, I got goose bumps even on the arms, was already as I'm only using the feet inside. Soft love to, aber doch keine Erfrierungen 🙂

Back in our men we had to listen to us then the clever sayings. Surprisingly, neither of them was willing but, terms of hero-jump into the waters. That would be completely under their dignity they meant. Somehow it galled me yet, that I had taken a bath in the Atlantic small frostbite. I've been in January on La Gomera in the water. It might not be here yes even worse. So I took all courage together and ground plunged into the water. Unfortunately, the feeling was “If you once inside, is it not as cold” even when swimming is not a. Claudia was following me now. Women are the real heroes?. However, we both were happy, as we again lay on our towels in the Sun. Now was once again “Thawing” angesagt 🙂


In the evening we left the beaten track of Vilamoura then behind us and went by car to Faro. We made plans for the next day in a nice restaurant in the old town. Tomorrow we were going to go sailing. If the wind would allow it, After Culatra, we were planning to drive. This particularly beautiful corner, We knew that already from last year, wollten wir den Beiden doch so gern zeigen 🙂







Drum check, who is forever binds :-)

Heute sollte es also ans Eingemachte gehen 🙂 Mal sehen, What has everything to offer the CESARINA.

We have a ship with our SUMMER, that no sailor wishes, who want to go on a long journey, leaves. In recent years, much time and of course lots of money in their equipment has been and for the planned crossing of the Atlantic Ocean end of November 2015 haben wir sie perfekt vorbereitet 🙂

Wassermacher, Washing machine, Shortwave and almost every imaginable technical gadgetry, the one could wish and think. Reliable and tested on good 7000 I saw no reason rationally considered nautical miles, mit einem anderen Boot wieder von vorne anzufangen 🙁

Now I would like to once Dietmar's new love a closer look imagine, denn sie ist eine Yacht mit einer bewegten Geschichte 🙂

CESARINA is a Swan 55 Yawl (Hull 004) and was 1971 built by Nautor Swan in Finland. Her first name was Laurita and she was severely damaged mid-nineties in a hurricane in the Caribbean.


After that, the yacht was completely gutted up on the bare hull and to Holland to the now world famous “Campbell” Take appropriate.


Up to this point the Campbell shipyard built only wooden ships. But the former owner of the LAURITA and the beautiful classic form of by “Sparkman&Stevens” winning yacht was able to convince the throwing owner Nico Claasen and within three years she was without any limits with much passion, Love and highest craftsmanship for the ideas of the avowed perfectionist Nico from the keel to rebuilt. Since only the J-class super yachts are built by Campbell. What kind of a reputation! After you received your new fine-sounding names: CESARINA. Sie hat das Feeling einer J-Class Superyacht sagt Dietmar 🙂

Thus she did so with one “Classic” Swan not really much to do, sondern kann ohne Übertreibung als ein einzigartiges Kunststück bezeichnet werden 🙂




The Interior impresses with many loving details and plenty of room to live. Also, deck and superstructures are a collection of many beautifully crafted details.




On the other hand, there is also much to do. The on-board water maker was given way to a new bow thruster. It's also super, aber jetzt fehlt der Wassermacher 🙁 . The whole day we drove emotional rollercoaster and asked us, whether we can meet such a ship . Again and again during the breaks we sat on the harbour wall and viewed the CESARINA and their beautiful lines. In any case, it would be no easy decision.

Our appointment of the Atlantic crossing at 22. November 2015 hovered on the horizon. Would it be feasible, until then all work requested by us to do? The description of a ship of this size is unfortunately no small thing, because ab 15 Metres in length must be registered in the German ship register. There so much paperwork to do. You can do it in less than three months ?? Where should we later on the new ship “move”??? Both vessels must be yes then together in a port, so that we could easily rearrange our home stand. In the SUMMER, everything was well organized after more than three years. Did we start really back? We would all our belongings and goods on the CESARINA can accommodate?? The Sunbeam 42 DS is really a space saver. Could keep the four meters longer CESARINA da?? And the most important question ever: What should be done with our SUMMER????

Location speech – short of it: At midnight we have then done and sealed the purchase handshake. Also Rini and Pieter are emotionally gone through hell all day, because the CESARINA lay them close to our hearts. Now they look forward but, You will go with us on the journey. Und wir freuen* uns natürlich auch 🙂 Sie wird bei uns sicher das sein, was man ein geliebtes Schiff nennt 🙂

*(To describe, what you feel, When making such a decision, is kinda impossible for me. Freuen ist auf jeden Fall nicht das richtige Wort 🙂







Some things to do

To Vilamoura, close to Faro drove us, the largest city in the Algarve, that has unfortunately not own port. So we made today with the bus on the way. Almost a three-quarters of an hour we gondelten through various hotel castles and villages, Faro until we finally reached.

Our goal was the German Honorary Consulate. It was time again, somewhat annoying paperwork to do. When we found the address on the Internet, were we more than happy. Somehow we feared already, Once again as in the last year, having to travel to Lisbon.

According to the Internet research was our goal close to the railway station. A not really inviting district, There were houses on its streets more or less dilapidated. Not five minutes later we were faced with the specified address. If it is correct, were we at least ten years too late. Das Haus war zum Abriss freigegeben 🙁

Very strange. You explained to us in the neighbouring PC shop, that there should be a street with the same name even further outside. To keep our appointment, war jetzt ein Taxi angebracht 🙁 Der Taxifahrer wollte uns zuerst einfach wieder dorthin schicken, where we just had come from. But so easily we could not get rid of us.

So we can overtake directions in Portuguese for the cab driver directly at the Consulate. You will help, where you can :-). Und dann waren wir auch endlich auf dem Weg 🙂

Not half an hour later we had done everything and once approved us a second breakfast, before we walked back to the Centre. In contrast our way led to the railway station district but due to much appealing areas and the old city centre next to the small motor boat Harbour (not for sailing boats, Driveway is dry) was really pretty.



But in the midday heat, we wanted to not stroll through the city. Also we had to go to the train station, to buy the tickets for our trip there to Lisbon Airport. Tomorrow we will make a little trip--and come back on Friday.

Wohin wird aber noch nicht verraten 🙂 Vielleicht veröffentliche ich Euch ja morgen mal ein Bild, dann könnt Ihr gern raten 🙂 Und der Grund unseres Ausfluges???? Da müsst Ihr Euch leider auch noch ein bisschen gedulden 🙂 Man soll ja nicht über ungelegte Eier reden 🙂


Still not quite there and gone again

My first day back was on the SUMMER not as relaxed as hoped. In the morning after breakfast, the weather report showed a perfect weather window, um nach Süden an die Algarve zu segeln 🙂 Das hieß, that we would start early tomorrow. 330 Seemeilen und zwei bis drei Tage auf See 🙂

So brought things had to first be sorted and stowed. That is unfortunately quite a while, but around noon, which was then done.

After a probing look into the fridge was also shopping on the program. Could our inventories even more than “manageable” call. Und es sollte ja kein Diät-Segel-Törn werden 🙂 Bevor wir uns zum Supermarkt aufmachten, I quickly put on a bread dough. He could go up neatly in the meantime :-).

We stopped first at the Marina Office, to pay our Bill. Porto was one of the more expensive ports on our route and we expected a neat “Lid”: 25 Days a 47 € per day… cardboard style. But the friendly staff had a great idea, because 25 Days would be almost a month. Here we should pay better than the monthly price. Which amounted to 465 €. We thought not to trust our ears. That were just 40% and gave us a daily rate, He was comparable with Baltic prices. Quickly, we paid the Bill. Nicht dass sich die nette Dame verrechnet haben sollte 🙂 Bestens gelaunt machten wir uns auf den Weg zum Supermarkt 🙂

Heavily laden with everything, what the heart so coveted and went in the supermarket, were we in the late afternoon return to the boat. I swung myself right in the kitchen, What tasty for our trip to cook in. Das Brot war in der Zwischenzeit auf eine stolze Größe aufgegangen 🙂 und wurde direkt im Omnia (our new camping oven, the above can be on the gas stove, in order to save gas) properly baked .

In the PFM above the Marina, we enjoyed a delicious farewell dinner us. Von Porto hatte ich diesmal gar nichts gesehen 🙁 Das war eigentlich anders geplant gewesen. Because the tooth had made me a spanner in the.

Aber Porto ist immer eine Reise wert und irgendwann führt uns unser Weg sicher auch mal wieder hier vorbei 🙂


The last days….

I believe, It's just don't care, How long the furlough. At the end, time is getting short and there is always a few things, die unerledigt bleiben 🙁 Mir ging es auch diesmal wieder so, Although I so unexpectedly two weeks had more time in Germany available.


The last week was again the sign of the horse. Already 2013 had I purchased tickets for the European Championships in Aachen, Germany with my mother, as our sailing trip was still not sure. So were four days from morning till night riding reserved and we live at all heights and depths, which have been extensively discussed in the press. And since this is a sailing blog, nur noch einen abschließenden Kommentar von meiner Seite 🙂 : Good riding and three correctly prepared horse landed on the first three places at the Dressage riders, even if one could argue about the order. Aber das wollen wir ja nicht 🙂



Two more days were scheduled for visits to the doctor. In addition to the usual screening, which attested me a quite excellent health condition (Life change probably wonder :-)), I wanted to increase even our on-board pharmacy for the Atlantic crossing and the Caribbean.

Armed with the list, which we had received in the last year on the SeaDoc seminar, erschien ich also zum Termin 🙂 und nach einer knappen Stunde verließ ich die Praxis mit sechs Rezepten und einem Sack voll guter Ratschläge und Tipps.

Next went my way to the pharmacist of my confidence. Hier würde ich eine ganze Menge Geld lassen müssen 🙁 Aber da wir die Medikamente eigentlich nur an Bord haben, so we don't need it, erschien mir das investierte Kapital doch durchaus angemessen 🙂

2015-08-15 07.11.31

After two subsequent visits to pharmacy, my wallet was considerably narrower, aber ich fühlte mich gut vorbereitet für alle Eventualitäten 🙂 (incl. Scabies, Lice and worms :-() Also the regularly required, prescription drugs I had for a year in the luggage. Although it was work ever on the Canary Islands, to get a prescription from a doctor, but this was difficult but right. He spoke no English and the Spanish name of the drug had deviated from the German. Without the Internet I would have been probably lost. Auf solche Abenteuer hatte ich in der Karibik keine Lust 🙂

Because there was still room in my luggage, led me my way in the supermarket. Funny way to change our wishes from Germany visit to Germany visit. So went this time two kilos of licorice in the shopping cart, and various types of fruit tea. Doesn't seem is to our liking in Spain and Portugal. Also the delicious German Mayo by Tommy in practical tubes and salad dressing out of the bag (That would be never hiked in my bag, but it's really practical on the boat :-))

On the last day prior to departure, all that stuff had to be stowed away yet somehow. A few last items for the SUMMER were added by Dietmar. I had replaced the recalled lead pockets of our diving equipment in Germany and bought an additional for each. Only if now and again someone should sink a :-)Und irgendwie waren dann ganz schnell zwei Reisetaschen randvoll 🙂

Good, that I this time could take the car until after Hahn airport. In total I had almost 40 Kilo Gepäck dabei 🙁 Die musste ich dann aber leider von der Mietwagenabgabe bis in Terminal schleppen. I thought, ich sterbe 🙂 Der Gepäckwagenautomat hatte leider kein Wechselgeld. The 500 Meter fühlten sich an wie ein Aufstieg auf den Mount Everest 🙂

In Porto wurde ich erfreulicherweise dann vom Dietmar abgeholt 🙂 Nach einer kuren Taxifahrt waren wir schon in der Marina und wenig später wieder auf unserer SUMMER. Beautiful, to be back :-).