Category Archives: ARC

Bye bye ARC+ – Fairwinds and a good crossing

The Saturday after the fun party started in accordance with tough. Good, that we did not have such stress how many other boats. We still have two weeks. Da kann man es auch mal etwas ruhiger angehen lassen 🙂

Wash clothes for today would secure decent employment, not too strenuous, aber doch sehr sinnvoll 🙂 Nur meine Terminplanung, do + the day before the start of the ARC, was unfortunately totally unhappy. Im Waschsalon hatte sich schon eine Lange Schlange gebildet 🙂 Naja, dann eben morgen 🙂


In the evening we met up yet with Dirk and Bettina from the SY ain't FANCY for farewell dinner at Pier 19. Jörg von was also one of the party .Up half past eight Both have worked hard on the still Törnvorbereitungen and at the end of the required for the cruise food were even stowed on board. No easy situation, which made their relationship to a real breaking point today. But now the two sat back quite peaceful nebeneinande with us. Then it could indeed go off tomorrow as planned. Dirk hatte sich schon die passende Strategie für den Start zurecht gelegt 🙂 Das würden wir morgen dann mal genau beobachten.

On Sunday morning we started quite early on the way, To still want both of SY ain't FANCY and the Katameran FIRST STEP a good crossing. Dirk and Bettina had now hauled to the gas station. A bit of diesel for the crossing should be even refueled for possible downturns. On our way over to the other side of the harbor we bought at the bakery still a few croissants as provision for the journey.

Having arrived at the gas station, we found, that Dirk and Bettina had suddenly disappeared. This was Martin and his son Micha were still busy with the final preparations. Since we did not want to disturb long. We made an appointment for the Caribbean and look forward to seeing you again.



So we started to look for Dirk and Bettina and found it next to the shipyard. So we were able to come for a coffee on board with our supplies. Danach mussten die Beiden noch die letzten Vorbereitungen treffen 🙂

Term before the start we looked for a nice place on the promenade, to all the action to be able to overlook good. Für uns war es ja auch eine Generalprobe denn in genau zwei Wochen würde es bei uns soweit sein 🙂 Ein bisschen aufgeregt sind wir doch 🙂 , but that is hardly surprising.



Time saw the launch and many drew their light wind sails on. A great image. In just over sixty boats but the mess was still manageable. Let's see how it looks in two weeks, if more than 200 Boats want as quickly as possible on the starting line. We were thinking about, that in the total distances of about 2700 Seemeilen wahrscheinlich nicht auf fünf Minuten ankommt und werden es sicher ruhig angehen lassen 🙂







Atlantic Rally for Cruisers (ARC) – It’s Party Time :-)

Today our ARC program was officially los. We sail namely not quite utterly alone across the Atlantic, we participate in the ARC – “Atlantik Rally for Cruisers” part. Da starten am 22. November about 250 Ships together to 13 Clock in the direction of Saint Lucia in the Caribbean. Ahead there are seminars and events, but also a lot of parties, where you can meet like-minded people. On the Atlantic However, you then of course put back on itself, for the ships sailing not in a crowd or on sight :-). At the latest after one or two days, the last sailing disappears on the horizon. But in Saint Lucia you can meet all again again and there are even prizes for the fastest, largest, most beautiful or the most exotic ships in different categories. You know so our captain, but I can assure you, that our “Racing ambitions” are negligible in the large and not particularly intimate ship on this tour. Most importantly to us, dass wir heil und wohlbehalten drüben ankommen 🙂

Jetzt freuen wir uns erst einmal auf die spannende Zeit in Las Palmas und viele neue Bekannte 🙂 . After yesterday evening already for happy hour the ARC + (The sail still a dangling over the Cape Verde) who had infiltrated and we know there is a lot of nice people learned, was for tonight, our first, planned official party in the Tao bar near the Marina:

Welcome ARC – Farewell ARC+

Aber das Leben besteht ja leider nicht nur aus Partys 🙂 und wir hatten über Tag noch einige andere Dinge zu erledigen. Around noon we officially checked us in ARC office. In addition to lots of information about Gran Canaria and the capital Las Palmas we got our ARC Passports, the start number for our CESARINA (60) for the Rally and other important documents, affecting our Atlantic crossing.

In the afternoon we had a visit on board the ARC organization. The security check was at. The inspector was aboard was Anne. She does the job for many years and is incidentally also the wife of the responsible “Weather frog” the ARC. Even before we had received an entire folder full of information and requirements, which are placed on the boats of the ARC. Now it was time to check on the spot, if we had done our homework properly.


We had to answer questions and let the equipment show on board and inspect more than an hour. For both of us it was a meaningful and educational event. Sure, a few things were on the list, about whose meaning you could certainly argue, but on the other hand, we also found a few small weaknesses in our security concept, die wir bisher übersehen hatten 🙂

Satisfied, to have successfully completed the first item on our To-To-List now behind us, konnten wir am Abend zur Party aufbrechen 🙂 Mit Jörg Drexhagen von zogen wir los. The event was organized by the ARC in cooperation with the city of Las Palmas and had lain down properly to the wheel. Even the welcome was spectacular :-). As part of the Carnival here in Gran Canaria not only a carnival queen is crowned, but also a drag queen. And this beauty was standing with two elaborately decorated, young ladies at the entrance. Both my male companion were the whole somewhat skeptical and were not ready for a joint Foot Shooting. I liked the sight but actually quite good. Impressive were the almost 50 cm high heels, auf denen der junge Herr sehr elegant durch die Gegend spazierte 🙂



Inside, we were generously entertained with drinks and tapas. After a short speech it went funny and at ease. Las Palmas is probably the carnival capital of the Canaries and so we got a few insights, had been celebrated like this early in the year.





During the evening, our Round had significantly increased: Martin were now of the SY FIRST STEP and Frank and Julius of the SY jucunda also one of the party. Because actually missing only Dirk and Bettina from the SY ain't FANCY?! But they were probably too much in stress. My boat was actually still on land and on Sunday it was going to go in the direction of Cap Verde. Da wäre mir wahrscheinlich auch nicht nach Feiern zumute gewesen 🙂

Long after midnight went this splashy evening to end. Back on the CESARINA I was impressed, how much swell suddenly prevails in the port. Somehow turned my bunk?! Well, quickly and sleep eyes. Tapas sind einfach keine gute Grundlage für eine lustige Party 🙂