Bye bye ARC+ – Fairwinds and a good crossing

The Saturday after the fun party started in accordance with tough. Good, that we did not have such stress how many other boats. We still have two weeks. Da kann man es auch mal etwas ruhiger angehen lassen 🙂

Wash clothes for today would secure decent employment, not too strenuous, aber doch sehr sinnvoll 🙂 Nur meine Terminplanung, do + the day before the start of the ARC, was unfortunately totally unhappy. Im Waschsalon hatte sich schon eine Lange Schlange gebildet 🙂 Naja, dann eben morgen 🙂


In the evening we met up yet with Dirk and Bettina from the SY ain't FANCY for farewell dinner at Pier 19. Jörg von was also one of the party .Up half past eight Both have worked hard on the still Törnvorbereitungen and at the end of the required for the cruise food were even stowed on board. No easy situation, which made their relationship to a real breaking point today. But now the two sat back quite peaceful nebeneinande with us. Then it could indeed go off tomorrow as planned. Dirk hatte sich schon die passende Strategie für den Start zurecht gelegt 🙂 Das würden wir morgen dann mal genau beobachten.

On Sunday morning we started quite early on the way, To still want both of SY ain't FANCY and the Katameran FIRST STEP a good crossing. Dirk and Bettina had now hauled to the gas station. A bit of diesel for the crossing should be even refueled for possible downturns. On our way over to the other side of the harbor we bought at the bakery still a few croissants as provision for the journey.

Having arrived at the gas station, we found, that Dirk and Bettina had suddenly disappeared. This was Martin and his son Micha were still busy with the final preparations. Since we did not want to disturb long. We made an appointment for the Caribbean and look forward to seeing you again.



So we started to look for Dirk and Bettina and found it next to the shipyard. So we were able to come for a coffee on board with our supplies. Danach mussten die Beiden noch die letzten Vorbereitungen treffen 🙂

Term before the start we looked for a nice place on the promenade, to all the action to be able to overlook good. Für uns war es ja auch eine Generalprobe denn in genau zwei Wochen würde es bei uns soweit sein 🙂 Ein bisschen aufgeregt sind wir doch 🙂 , but that is hardly surprising.



Time saw the launch and many drew their light wind sails on. A great image. In just over sixty boats but the mess was still manageable. Let's see how it looks in two weeks, if more than 200 Boats want as quickly as possible on the starting line. We were thinking about, that in the total distances of about 2700 Seemeilen wahrscheinlich nicht auf fünf Minuten ankommt und werden es sicher ruhig angehen lassen 🙂







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