Daily Archives: 29. May 2015

On to Faial – the island of births

Der Abschied von Santa Maria fiel uns an diesem Morgen wirklich leicht 🙂 Ein Blick zurück auf die dunklen Regenwolken ließ uns schnell die Segel setzen und das Weite suchen 🙂



No wonder, that the Azores are so green and lush vegetation, of rainfall it here doesn't seem to lack :-). But mostly, the haunting is faster over as intended and sunshine follows rain in General.

Nearly two hundred nautical miles lay before us, but the conditions were much more friendly than on our last blow of Madeira the Azores. So seasickness was not an issue this time, and the time just flew by in the flight with reading, Plan, Cook, Washing and sleeping. Twice, some dolphins visited our SUMMER. Das ist ja immer wieder eine gelungene Abwechslung und ein schönes Highlight 🙂


In the course of Friday was the island of Pico, in sight and we followed their coast further West. The Pico Vulkan but hid all the time in the clouds. Let's see, When we would get him to face.



With butterfly sails, we were still a good trip despite decreasing wind. Aber ungefähr zehn Seemeilen vor unserem Ziel schlief der Wind endgültig ein 🙁 und wir mussten die Maschine starten. The Atlantic long flat before us like a duck pond. Repeatedly pushed so-called “Portugiesische Galeeren vorbei 🙂 Vom Boot aus sind sie wirklich schön anzuschauen. In diving, we would but better meet none of them because their long nettles enormously burn and hurt if they touch the skin.


Also a small shield Köte crossed our way, so we turned a lap of honor shortly before our arrival, extensively to marvel at the beautiful.



Faial zeigte sich auf den ersten Blick ähnlich einladend wie Santa Maria 🙂



But we did not deter us from the rain clouds and reached the port of Horta around eight o'clock. Here was really something going on. Boats from all over the world where the eye looked. First we pegged our SUMMER at the reception bar. The harbour master showed us a place in the “Packet” with other yachts on the harbour wall to, but we were able to convince him to give us permission, to go into the dock at anchor.


Now we can enjoy the heavenly peace and beautiful views of the Marina. Morning, If we have rested, werden wir das Dinghi klar machen und dann den ersten Inselausflug wagen 🙂