Monthly Archives: April 2015

The captain is back :-)

Da Ostern in Spanien ja einen Tag früher endet als in Deutschland starteten wir mit einem ordentlichen Osterfrühstück in den Samstag 🙂 Der Hefezopf sollte ja auch nicht alt und trocken werden, fresh it tastes of course best.


Previously I had been quite busy. Just in time to after 8: 00, I was short on the farmer's market in Las Chafiras, to meat, Fruits and vegetables to buy. Then I had extended even our rental car for two days, Since we had moved the planned crossing to La Gomera on Monday because of the prevailing West wind.

After breakfast we plundered Dietmar travel bag with all brought things. Yesterday evening, or more precisely this morning, we were both too tired for this. Only against half past one in the morning we were from the airport again on our SUMMER back. With the heavy bags came under other more spare parts such as z.B. Starter motor etc.. an Bord. You can never have enough on Board of.

Dietmar had missed yesterday the Spanish Easter celebrations. To enable him also an insight into the Spanish tradition, We drove to Guia de Isora.



In the small town, the passion of the Christ is traditionally represented with elaborate flower arrangements, distributed will be issued in the old town.




The creations were really beautiful and impressive to the part. We had much pleasure but with the accompanying Declaration sheets. While the English translation in our opinion was still useful and comprehensible, had the German translators come up with mostly exciting creations of set of.





Now it is seriously

Easter has nothing to do with rabbits in Spain, Chicks or chocolate eggs to do. Here is celebrated the Semana Santa. This is the Spanish term for the Holy week, It lasts from Palm Sunday to Easter Sunday. Easter Monday is not a holiday in Spain.

In this case means celebration, that the entire week various processions take place see. The main processions are usually on good Friday. You are from “Hermandades” These associations (Fraternities) organized and conducted. Several hundred to more than a thousand people belong to any procession.

The processions are usually composed of the Pasos (Sanctuaries) with their carriers and companions, the Nazarenos and Penitentes ( Penitents) Music bands and drummers groups together. The penitents go often barefoot, wear long robes and are masked with the typical pointed hood, What is the anonymity of the Bußakts. (free by Wikipedia)

So weit die Theorie 🙂 Bevor ich mir persönlich ein Bild der spanischen Osterfeierlichkeiten machten konnte, wanted I bake still a Hefekranz for Dietmar. Ein bisschen deutsche Tradition muss auch hier in Spanien sein 🙂

So I went around 1 pm on the way to Adeje. According to the Internet research was the passion of the Christ in the old town of more than 300 Performers listed.




An impressive spectacle against a great backdrop, of the which I but got to see only the last part thanks to of the yeast braid. Schade, but it was unable to change. Also the Easter should go further, Yes.

After I had dated namely Sabine and Joachim of the SY ATANGA in Santa Cruz. Together we wanted to watch the grand procession in San Christobal de La Laguna. Arrived in the old town we soon met on the first Pasos (Sanctuary), followed by the a group of Büßern. Denen liefen wir erstmal hinterher 🙂 und kamen so an die Kathedrale, the start- and endpoint of the procession was.

Here we were able to secure us a place in the front row and so wonderful to watch the whole procession. Felt the whole town was there with. Young and old, Men and women. Everywhere hanging incense in the air and the atmosphere along the way was solemn and quiet. Even though I myself am not a particularly religious person, This upholding the traditions I liked better than the whole commercial with chocolate Easter eggs (Although certainly not entirely should be abandoned the :-))








Spring Cleaning

When I was awake the next morning, could I see the chaos in the kitchen already from your bed. It looked like a lot of work.

All week I had diligently washed linen. Every day at least a machine. Not only our clothes and bed linen, but also curtains and the seat covers in the Salon shine again in new freshness.


Since it was very helpful, that our proven “Laundry Octopus” vor kurzem Verstärkung bekommen hatte 🙂


Three bags to store food in our Panry, must you really everything off- and again give. While you can clean the cabinets will also immediately :-).

But not only cleaning up today, I had made some creative work. On La Gomera I had make paper prints of many photos of the last year. So I wanted to beautify our bedroom.


From the many beautiful moments have I cobbled together a collage, jetzt seid Ihr alle immer mit dabei auf unserer Reise 🙂 Außerdem haben noch zwei andere Erinnerungen endlich einen festen Platz bei uns an Bord gefunden. Our “Hummel tile” from Porto found a nice spot in the pantry:


Und unser Kinderkunstwerk vom Capo Fincente in Portugal darf jetzt die Wand über meinem Kleiderschrank schmücken 🙂


Also, all wood surfaces were oiled and polished, Carpets vacuumed, Bathroom cleaning, the beds newly obtained, the closets ventilated and cleaned up and everything else, was man bei einem ordentlichen Frühjahrsputz so macht 🙂

Towards evening I but eventually got fed up and decided to, still a little trip to make. No ten kilometres from our port lies El Medano, a well-known surfing Beach. There I took my feet a little.



On the way back to the port, I stumbled upon a signpost, that led me to the Cueva del Hermano Pedro. The cave is the first Canary Saints is dedicated to. It is now right at the start- and Derrick of the airport. Some signal lamps are located in the Park of the cave.



Contrast program: a German shopping paradise and nature

An important item on my “to-do”-List, I wanted to do in my free time Husband, was the procurement of rye- bake and wholemeal spelled flour for bread. Not such an easy task, for these products is not found in a Spanish supermarket.

But in the age of the Internet remains an almost nothing hidden. Thus the German community in Tenerife was quite inspired by the “Cash & Carry” in Tacoronte. Said wonder supermarket was unfortunately very north of the island. Why exactly unfortunately? The National Park Anaga is but just around the corner and I wanted to make but still out. So why not combine both ?

Once in Tacoronte, I thought my eyes were not to be trusted. The list of the German brand name was impressively long and the prices were really fair. As I flew for the last time from Germany back to BUZZER, hatte ich eine zusätzliche Tasche mit Lebensmitteln dabei 🙂 Leckereien, you miss insane abroad on some days after a long time. Hier konnte ich diese einfach in meinen Einkaufswagen packen 🙂


So this was sooner than I thought and three well-filled shopping bags wandered in my trunk. And the point “Get flour” konnte ich mit gutem Gewissen auf meiner Liste abhaken 🙂

First work…..before pleasure. On the narrow streets I wound through the National Park. This time, with much better weather and more time.

2015-04-01 Panorama 2a.jpg


The view towards the center of the island was a dream. The white clouds seen on this picture yet very picturesque from. But they were fast approaching.


On the other hand, it was cloudy and cold


Zeit für mich den Ausflug dem Ende zugehen zu lassen 🙂 Dann wäre auf dem Heimweg noch Zeit für einen weiteren Einkaufsstopp in der Nähe von Santa Cruz beim französischen Supermarkt Carrefour. Although my shopping passion was pretty cool after the success of this morning, but there were still a few things on my shopping list.

Packed I reached San Miguel only about eight clock in the evening. After I had brought my purchases on the boat, I tried to wake up with a hot shower my spirits again. Doch Einkaufen scheint wirklich Knochenarbeit zu sein 🙂 und so verschob ich das Verstauen der Köstlichkeiten im Boot auf morgen. Lieber sichtete ich die Bilder der letzten Tage und schaute dabei einen Frauenfilm auf Video ganz ohne männliche Kommentare 🙂