Category Archives: Repairs

The last night on the buzzer – 2. Attempt

Actually we had yesterday already announced, We would sleep on our SUMMER the last time. But so much for planning. Firstly, it is different and second than you think.

Actually, today was very successful. While I carried our last possessions and goods in bags on the buzzer, to take it in the evening more comfortable over, had already started Dietmar, the surrounding wood bar to grind and paint. Das sah richtig schick aus 🙂

Unfortunately we had the work of the craftsman, he exchanged the whether joints in the teak deck, not properly at a glance. Only in the late afternoon we went on, that right behind our Board entry almost a square metres joint and newly sealed were. Hier konnte man heute nicht mehr drüber gehen 🙁


And Dietmar the additional Board access had also still heavily restricted with his painting. So, there was still the possibility, When the baking days over a 20 Centimeters to climb broad metal fittings. Not the optimal access, If you want to change just the remaining House stand.

So zog ich wieder ein Bettlaken auf das schon ordentlich hergerichtete Bett in der Eignerkabine der SUMMER 🙂 Morgen gibt es aber kein Entkommen mehr 🙂 Weitere Lackierarbeiten des Kapitäns werden aufs Wochenende verschoben und unser Handwerker wird sich eine andere Ecke zum Reparieren suchen müssen 🙂 Morgen brauchen wir freie Fahrt mit Tüten und Taschen und den letzten Kleinigkeiten, that each move always up to the end stop.

On Friday, crane date for the SUMMER is definitely, Since there is no way it passes. And we are also pleased, together again to have all things on a boat. It's so nice, to go out to dinner in the evening times, This is clearly not a steady state. On the weekend I'll be my new huge fridge on the CESARINA with great, frischen Sachen füllen 🙂 Ich freue mich schon richtig darauf, If there is a sensible first meal on the new ship, No matter whether breakfast, Lunch- oder Abendessen 🙂



Between the ships – No easy exercise

Most of the time we are at night too tired, to write more readable for the blog. A large amount of work has broken about us. Here just to inform a small overview, What we have so far been successfully completed:

  • Engine maintenance
  • Generator maintenance
  • Built-in water makers
  • Wind control system installed
  • Navigation almost ready built
  • Expanded toilet pump, cleaned “refitted” and repainted
  • Bow Interior repainted (2x, Since the first color not who was right) In between a day-long quarters the color removed :-()
  • Bilge completely cleaned
  • Cleaned floor boards
  • Cupboards cleaned or repainted
  • Mattresses and cushions clean can
  • Various shelves for cabinets make let
  • Compass housing expanded to the chrome plating
  • Window to expand and new eingedichten can be
  • Let new sails ordered and measured on the ship by NORTH SAILS
  • Serviced life raft and life jackets
  • Create inventory lists
  • The entire House level checked, sorted, merged or sorted out

And in between we are moving also. An easy exercise, because the space on a ship is so clearly limited. More than four craftsmen at once should not be on the CESARINA, otherwise there would at some point be murder and death blow. And when working, at the same time moved. There is simply no chance. Nevertheless it precedes every day, in large, times in small increments.

Today we are in a strange intermediate state. We arrived Yes pretty well and the “Bounce” imminent. The next night is the last on our SUMMER. But we have to have breakfast clearly already on the CESARINA, because on the buzzer, there are no cups or plates more now. You have found over there already a beautiful spot in the closet.

Today's dinner, It should be cooked already on the CESARINA, was still in the water. Access to the stove was designed with tool boxes, that cooking was not safe to do so. And all utensils to carry back on the SUMMER, would have been counterproductive but something. So there was pizza from Pizza Hut today, very practically right out of the box. Und Besteck brauchte man auch nicht 🙂


How to become a member of a Yacht Club

Actually you organized in Germany in clubs, No matter what hobby you go. So we were long time member in a riding club, but for our profession, yet no appropriate Club the way ran us.

Das sollte sich heute ändern 🙂 Am späten Nachmittag macht die deutsche Yacht ARNDT aus Kiel bei uns am Steg fest. Wir waren begeistert 🙂 Nach den vielen Tagen harter Arbeit so ganz alleine in Vilamoura, Finally once again announced to change. Dietmar was also talking with the cheerful troupe of Lord. We are always back again, that like a magnet to people the CESARINA, and almost magically attracts especially sailors. The ARNDT told the crew the Lady at the front desk, dass deren Liegeplatz am Pontoon mit der schönen blauen Yacht liegt 🙂

The men came from Kiel, a Merry-tag crew members of the Kiel Yacht Club (KYC) with the task, to convict a club ship in the Mediterranean Sea. The X-yacht is for 18 Make a round trip with changing crews from Association members months with the mission, Advertising for the city of Kiel as a venue for water sports Olympics 2018 to make. It then went to evening entertainment, We decided to go for dinner. Our history with the two vessels seemed keen interest to have woken up.


A short time later we found a nice table in an English pub on the promenade. We both enjoyed it, having once again other interlocutors in the evening and sat so far it went to two Tischenden from each other away, um uns unter die Leute zu mischen 🙂 Ab morgen würde ja wieder mehr oder weniger traute Zweisamkeit herrschen, da musste man den heutigen Abend schon mal auskosten 🙂 Dietmar saß zwischen Hauke Bohnen (Skipper and CEO KYC) and the former tenants of the Dieter's Association Home. Beides äußerst erfahrene Segler und zwei Menschen mit einem extrem hohen Spaßfaktor 🙂

Our life planning and our previous journey woke in which one or other but also wishes and desires with regard to his future life plans. Funnily enough were also two tabs. There was clearly no lack of common themes and the time flew formally.


And the evening was later, the round was the merrier. Der anfänglich so belächelte Alleinunterhalter brachte dann doch richtig Stimmung in den Laden und es durfte getanzt werden 🙂

In the morning at two we were back on the buzzer, While the men further scourged the local. Erst morgens um sechs war die Crew der SY ARNDT wieder komplett 🙂 Die machen es genau richtig. Außerdem mussten die Jungs ja auch nicht am nächsten Morgen wieder arbeiten 🙂 sondern nur weiter segeln.

We were both morning although slightly later than usual on the next, but about ten o'clock, our relocation work continued. Saturday is a good day for us, because all craftsmen have disappeared around noon and we can play us right.

Around noon she made SY ARNDT the way further towards the West. Previously the CESARINA was been admired but still tidy inside and out, Although the current state requires some imagination is all their merits and their beauty to recognize. New membership at the Kiel Yacht Club was only a formality after the night and the request was before breakfast in the Secretariat of the KYC. It had thrashed out yesterday evening on his head Dietmar. Actually very funny, because we regardless of which anyway had chosen Kiel as a home port for our CESARINA. Jetzt flattert der Vereinsstander des KYC unter unserer Backbordsaling und irgendwann ist wohl auch ein Liegeplatz in Kiel für uns reserviert 🙂 Aber das hat ja noch ein bisschen Zeit 🙂



A total bad patch with consequences

On Monday, we presented an impressive pace with the artisans together. Unfortunately, in the course of the morning, it was difficult, to find even a free place to work on the CESARINA. So I pulled myself back on the SUMMER, here to make preparations. I had resounding success. The free space below deck, He was already somewhat restricted due to the storage of two sails, was of a very short time so fully within, you could turn almost no longer. Really a problem. Over on the CESARINA you could bring anything and here also no place was more about work. More or less as I long-time day long before me and….without having the feeling, also something is moving to have.

At night I dreamed of crates and boxes. A particularly unpleasant nightmare ! 🙁 Immer wieder tauchten von irgendwo her Dinge auf, that were not there before. Or I was already awake???? According to exhausted I felt also in the next morning. While Dietmar already dynamically went to work, did I not right, where I should begin. Too many construction sites – zu wenig Konzept 🙁 Und bis Donnerstagabend sollten wir die SUMMER leer geräumt und am besten auch noch endgereinigt haben. Impossible!!!

Our stress was to give his bulk also home-made. Long before the CESARINA had been to the 1. Announced October visit to Madeira. That's why we had also the whole hustle and bustle. Of course I was looking insanely on visiting my mother, but under the circumstances it would be ensure a relaxed holiday. Too many open construction sites and probably also still pretty much chaos below deck would be not especially advantageous for the first impression of our CESARINA. After a telephone conversation with my mother and a statement of the facts, hatten wir plötzlich wieder Zeit 🙂 Uns viel ein Stein vom Herzen. Is postponed but not cancelled. The visit will be rescheduled then, wenn wir wirklich eingezogen sind 🙂 Vielleicht auf den Kanaren oder doch erst in der Karibik, We will see. Now can we take the whole thing in any case something quieter and just stay here the next three weeks. Then we sail directly to Gran Canaria – so einfach kann alles sein 🙂

One step forward and three steps back :-(

Highly motivated we were over early on the CESARINA and wanted to start with our day's work. The white color was beautiful dried over night. When I started, remove the masking tape, I pulled off also again with my laboriously applied white paint layer in many places. Ich traute meinen Augen kaum 🙁 und hätte am liebsten angefangen zu heulen. Apparently surface and color tolerated not or I had made a mistake in the preparation. No matter, What was amiss, the end result left on each case is strongly to be desired.

Instead of admitting the first cabinets, musste die Farbe wieder runter 🙁 . Also Dietmar was totally frustrated and had given up. We were considerably behind schedule so ambitious. Until afternoon at two o'clock we fought with spatula, Thinner and scouring pad against the sticky coating on. Then we had restored the old State. After all, everything was clinically clean now. That's why we need to delete there also not more new.

There was the mood anyway still pretty in the basement, could we also get the next controversial issue on the table. Today we wanted to move Dietmar tools on the new ship. While I before ever sorted on the CESARINA existing things, Dietmar disappeared suspiciously long on the buzzer. Again and again I heard buzzing him outside in the cockpit, until he any when then appeared under deck, to notify, that he had brought everything over there.

When I took a look in the cockpit, hit me almost the blow. Where to “Heaven's sake” had he brought it here? Maybe we should think about a boat trailer? Why is the SUMMER rear hitch????

Visits to the yacht shop were promptly banned for the next years. And I was always accused, I had too many shoes. However, my shoes are just a tiny little thing.

Until 8 pm, ordered and sorted we. Sorting out proved but unfortunately very difficult. There were only a few things, the captain could separate itself from which. It was difficult enough, to convince him, dass mehr als ein Akkuschrauber nicht zur Standardausrüstung eines Weltumseglers gehören 🙂 Und drei Stück gingen schon gar nicht 🙁


But at some point we could see land again. Organize and clean out, also without to dispose of many things, are a strength and passion of mine. While Dietmar with dedication links sorted be tool and tons of spare parts from the right after, I took care of the rest. And Lo and behold….irgendwann war fast alles verstaut 🙂

As of today, the clock is running :-(

By our very tight schedule and the dates of the crane for the SUMMER at 25.9. were we somewhat under stress. And what could happen, wenn die Nerven blank liegen 🙂 zeigte sich schon gleich am frühen Morgen. Before breakfast, we both had staged already a bühnenreifes spectacle without spectators. Thus began the drama, that I had found my clothes from the crossing on the floor before our bunk. Normally I would see as just over and clear away the stuff, aber an diesem Morgen platzte mir die Hutschnur 🙁 Wutentbrannt feuerte ich eine Jacke von Dietmar im Salon vor seine Füße auf den Boden. That could now not so leave the. Immerhin hatte er meine Sachen auf dem Boden gefunden und nur an einer anderen Stelle wieder auf den Boden gelegt 🙂 So flog das nächste greifbare Objekt (My Segelschuh) im hohen Boden ins Cockpit 🙁 Das konnte ich auch 🙂 Dietmar`s Segelschuh folgte sogleich dem meinen. Unfortunately I can take neither particularly good, noch besonders gut zielen 🙁 und die CESARINA läuft am Heck deutlich schmaler zu als ich gedacht hatte. So I managed to just barely, to secure the shoe with the boat-hook again and to get back on board, als mein zweiter Segelschuh im hohen Bogen an mir vorbeiflog 🙁 Weit außerhalb der Reichweite des Bootshaken segelte er langsam, aber stetig in Richtung Rezeptionssteg davon 🙂 Während ich auf der SUMMER meinem Schuh hinterher heulte, grumbled Dietmar on the CESARINA to himself. If you have two ships, kann man sich wenigstens aus dem Weg gehen 🙂

But for this morning was on several dates, We pulled us together pretty soon. From nine o'clock, the craftsmen of the CESARINA gave the Jack in your hand. In the middle of the captain with his all wishes. Well, I have to admit Yes, ein paar kleinere Wünsche hatte ich auch 🙂

Gegen Mittag ergab sich dann das Happy End zu unserem morgendlichen Drama 🙂 Nach der Anmeldung im Marina Office wurde mir angeboten, to go back to our boat with Marinero with dinghy. I was very grateful, Since our “Steg G” Walking distance from well 30 Minutes (Once completely around the harbour basin was around removed. And what I found in the inflatable boat???? Meinen Segelschuh 🙂 Der hatte heute morgen an der Tankstelle “applied” and was there immediately been arrested. So here: End good – Alles gut 🙂


Until Friday evening, we had the entire ship into pieces ever “disassembled”. It had to be explored Yes finally each corner new. Pieter had left behind many spare parts and other useful things on board us. It would be surely no easy task, to sort these useful along with our stuff.

Although the CESARINA is well four meters longer than the SUMMER, that does not mean that, that there is more space in the Interior. I'm even quite sure, It is significantly less. Besonders was den Raum für Kleindung betrifft 🙁 Das fand ich irgendwie gar nicht so lustig. Aber dann würde sich der Herr Henke eben etwas einschränken müssen 🙂 Hauptsache, ich kann meine Sachen ordentlich verstauen 🙂

On Saturday morning I had begun, in the Interior at different places subjects, Cabinets and the bearing surfaces under the beds to remove. Das sah gleich noch einmal viel besser aus 🙂

Today the cushions and mattresses to clean have been picked. After 15 Jahren kann man das ja schon einmal machen 🙂 Jetzt war auf dem Deck auch wieder etwas mehr Platz zum Laufen. Beautiful, that we have such great weather down here in the Algarve. Only we could let so wonderful outside everything on deck.

Dietmar had chosen a much more unpleasant task: a complete cleaning and maintenance of the on-board toilet. Das ist ja immer eine sehr unbeliebte Aufgabe und ich erspare Euch besser weitere Details 🙂

So were we on Saturday evening was completely floored, but good things. We would start tomorrow, the first things to clean and sort. This is a step in the right direction but ever!



Everywhere dolphins

Our mood was still somewhat depressed after yesterday when we loswarfen half past nine Linens, but the sea strove for sunny intervals. We were half an hour on the way, because already the first dolphins came past our boat.

So we had during our crossing all three times visiting the fascinating and fun-loving companions. A great school even accompanied us for about half an hour on our trip.




Before La Gomera the wind freshened again on strong and Dietmar had to put behind the wheel of one or the other salt water shower. The time of our arrival at the port we had today but gets very unhappy. As we had only three miles to the harbor entrance in front of us, came up behind us on the horizon, the 15-clock-speed ferry from Tenerife on, followed by “normal” 15-Ferry Clock. We rolled the mainsail and hoped, thus reducing our speed so far, that we would not make the both in the narrow harbor entrance. But with the wind we ran just under Fock still nearly eight knot speed. So we had to drive a beautiful bow, until the two big ferries had reached their places in the harbor. Which one should simply not invest. Quite apart from, have ferries before everyone else anyway a “right of way”

The amount of water in the bilge was after almost six hours with almost half a liter in an acceptable range. Nevertheless, Dietmar had an idea, to the rudder stock further seal in addition. Thus, once again stood a visit to the in BT on the program. But before we went after the successful crossing first eat an ice cream.

With us today SY Aponia of San Miguel had left for La Gomera. We made an appointment with Patrick and Peter for half past seven for dinner in the city. Before Dietmar but was again unstoppable and had his idea, of course, immediately implement. Let's see, whether we will be able to achieve a further improvement.

The evening at our favorite Frenchman was very funny. Back to the SUMMER expected but unfortunately the same battlefield, we had previously left. Although it was very late, we then had the last little things at the helm stock again assemble, before we could fall into bed tired.

That's always the problem on a boat. In most cases you will find the current construction site in a central square, the one still to sleep, need to cook or live. So one morning builds everything apart and admits it then again every evening together so far, that normal life can go on. Und am nächsten Morgen fängt das ganze Spiel wieder von vorne an 🙂


Not a good day

Highly motivated, we were on Tuesday at nine clock departing finished. Today should reveal, whether the repair was successful.

About eleven clock we were back in the Marina San Miguel and were both totally frustrated. Again it was water in the bilge. It was really crying. Dietmar disappeared headfirst into our bed box and set forth on the rudder stock. In our mind's eye again appeared the image of SUMMER in the travel lift or on land. Whether we can still prevent?

While Dietmar repaired concentrated, I had free time and surfed a bit on the Internet. Suddenly us our rudder problem appeared small and insignificant, because in the south of France, an Airbus crashed the German Wings. Although the extent of the tragedy were not assessable, the day for us was gone. A black day, the better you should remove it from the calendar.

Even if we came back to the solution of our personal rudder problem in more detail and in the early afternoon to yet another, short test drive took, sentiment remained depressed. After all, we had succeeded, to reduce the penetration amount of water of up to ten liters per hour on a narrow half liter three hours. That was not so far wrong! However, we both had somehow expected, to find after repair no more water in the bilge.

Afternoon Dietmar phoned again with the Schöchl shipyard in Austria and still got another tip. So we will again break towards La Gomera tomorrow. Vielleicht sind wir ja dann ganz dicht 🙂



We swim again :-)

Since Saturday afternoon we go again – Gott sei Dank !

As more and more clearly the Spanish era of the Germans over. Jose had said Wednesday night to us, he came Thursday at seven clock in the morning (!!!) to mask the water pass so then the new antifouling can be painted. This early time had already made us very suspicious. Um sieben Uhr am Morgen arbeitet in Spanien doch noch kein Mensch 🙂

And as expected, was also at nine clock, as we climbed down the ladder after breakfast, noch niemand zu sehen 🙁 Irgendwann im weiteren Laufe des Vormittags tauchte ein Eimer Antifouling bei uns am Schiff auf, followed by a roll of duct tape (to mask the water pass) and two paint rollers. So far away, so good…..but Dietmar had asked the workers remains a difficult task. He insisted, that the paint should be mixed thoroughly before application only by drill with a mixer. Such “strange” Procedures were here probably not standard. The mixer attachment had to be specially procured with, aber immerhin gab es schon eine Bohrmaschine 🙂

So we arrived just in time after lunch to two back, to become witnesses of the ordinary mixing the Anti-fouling. Two hours later, the first layer was then applied properly. It looked really good before. The time now missing “the only” two more paintings, then we would be finished with the hull.


Thus, it was clear, that we could forget our appointment on Friday evening crane. That fit in time so the front and back no more. So stellten wir uns innerlich schon mal auf den Samstag ein 🙂



On Friday morning we had to wait until, to the catamaran trip, lying next to us yesterday at the quay wall in the water, had invited all his guests. Due to the unfavorable Northwest wind-wave location with plenty of the tours started at the moment of San Miguel, right next to the SUMMER. Since it was safer, begin the painting only, if no one had to go past our boat.

A clock we had arranged to meet a nice couple from Gütersloh to eat. The two had many years himself a “Hallberg-Rassy” located in Neustadt an der Ostsee. So we got another new Spanish restaurant with good food and very cheap know and spent a nice time. The two spend the winter every year in Tenerife and wanted tomorrow 10 Weeks Canaries fly back to Germany. Sorry, we had met only in the last week, sehr schade 🙁

Gegen halb drei waren wir wieder zurück im Hafen und unsere SUMMER war tatsächlich fertig gestrichen 🙂 Jetzt musste sie nur wieder in den Bootslift, so that the supports removed and the lower areas also could be deleted 3x. So we set out, prepare everything. The alignment of the two belts was much easy than in the water ashore and soon we rocked again freely in the wind. Although still far too high above the water surface, aber immerhin etwas 🙂

But even the trickiest task stood before us: we had to install the rudder again. Although we have two people put the Marina this evening at seven clock available, we moved the action rather on Saturday mornings. Jose had promised, to come on his day specially just. We do this would rather deal with it, as he was also been to the expansion of this.

About ten clock we were ready to go. The rudder of SUMMER weighs good 80 Pounds and is a really cumbersome part with a total length of 3,20 Meters (Rudder blade with rudder stock). First we had the SUMMER by lift to more 1,20 Raise meters, be able to perform at the helm exactly perpendicular through the lower rudder bearing. With this amount we brought the travel lift to his constructive limits. It would not be two more inches in height have been possible. We were really at the absolute limit.

After the first step with three men (Jose, Dietmar and I) was well done, but it was even more complicated. First, we lowered the SUMMER again twelve inches from the stem and fixed so that the lower bearing. Dietmar swung with the shaky and short head back to the ship and ship-mounted in the various seals and the shaft. Means he was knocking us about it, if the travel lift the SUMMER could be re a little further down. After some time, we were then so far, that the 75mm thick shaft just had to pass through the upper rudder bearing, before it could be then finally fixed in position and secured against falling. But this last act which it had in it.

Although we could now communicate directly back since Dietmar now 4 Meter onto the deck, but it was not easy, the instructions of the captain is the direction in which to align the rudder, implement as desired. Because the precise alignment in the millimeter range of a 80 Kg rudder with a slightly rocking 15 Ton ship with only one man and one woman is not blowing cotton. Unfortunately, that went from always right digital. Either the rudder does not move or it was moving too much. So also rushed nor the driver of the travel lift for help, but also to third there was no child's play. Dietmar was on deck slowly but something restless: “What do the three down there? If not do everything yourself makes etc. pp” at least I heard him curse softly.

We have now changed our concept. Wir machten gar nichts mehr 🙂 Denn die SUMMER schaukelte ganz leicht im Lift und irgendwann stand das Ruder perfekt. “Only” more quickly pull up and……. nailed it! We really fell from the heart.

While Dietmar yet assembled, all other parts of the steering gear in the boat, I started out, to emphasize the still untreated sites with antifouling. Finally I was allowed with brushes. It was fun and I malerte the three layers in record time.

Three clock we had our appointment crane. Finally back in the water. The wind had our appointment calendar and notes in his time at a quarter to three, it blew again strong with over 20 Node. The really needed now nobody. Despite the adverse conditions we again safe water and made our SUMMER short time at our traditional fixed berth.


Once on board, everything was put back into operation and reliable work, the watermaker had something refilled the tanks and the dishes was rinsed in the closet, we went to celebrate the day to Los Abrigos fish to eat.














Blue fingers and black feet

It is a strange feeling, that our SUMMER rocking motion and when you look out the window, then you look once six feet in depth to the water surface.


Yesterday and today were days of work and dirt. The paws are constantly full of goo, Color, Dichtmasse und die Fußsohlen sind am Abend so schwarz wie Stempelkissen 🙂 Daran beißt sich sogar ein Schwamm aus Stahlwolle die Zähne aus :-). Have accustomed myself since Monday, evening to go with shoes in the shower. Then I can imagine me at least, that the black broth of the shoe sole is. Das hilft 🙂 Unsere SUMMER hat sich in eine echte Baustelle verwandelt und um dem geordneten Chaos etwas Ordnung einzuhauchen, we vacate the evening all the tools again neatly back to the place, where we have also hergenommen.



Jose wanted to come yesterday and start sanding the hull. The poor lad but was constantly sent to other ships and at noon it was clear, that it would be nothing more. Does not matter, dann eben morgen 🙂 Wir nutzten die Zeit, reduce the partially decomposed strongly sacrificial anodes, To polish stainless steel mesh, to procure new sacrificial anodes, to overtake the propeller of the bow thruster and clean the SPW-rotary-wing propeller and fill with new grease.


For lunch Katja had once again conjured up something delicious on the table. After such a meal you right back in the mood, to plunge back into the labor.

A small problem but we have already, because we can indeed be no more water running. Probably the others would thank us, wenn plötzlich aus den Ventilen über Ihren Köpfen irgendwelches Abwasser herauslaufen würde 🙂 Man muss es sich schon gut überlegen, how much one evening nor drinks, because “Pischbox” is yes 150 Meters. In addition, one would have in the night even climb down the ladder. Da sollte man besser richtig wach sein 🙂 Die Nummer mit der Flasche im Bad ist auch keine wirkliche Option wenn man den Frieden an Bord bewahren möchte 🙂 Also, who drinks much just have to run too often. It's that simple!



At noon today it finally went with the grinding of the old antifouling down to business. Jose had brought a colleague and together they ground like champions. At times, the boys had disappeared in a cloud of mist of blue sanding dust. One could get the impression, that there were two Smurfs dabble along. It's a really hard job and for this we have the two rewarded with a decent tip.


Without Words! On the rest is our SUMMER. Arbeitssicherheit auf kanarisch 🙂 Bisher ist aber noch kein Schiff von den Böcken gefallen, I've heard….


Today, we have dedicated ourselves fully to the bathing platform. The thing was so so rusted and the screws partially rotted, that it was a real slog to remove all the screws, to remove rust and reinstate. The bathing ladder, we have completely disassembled, the welded brackets and beams were to remove rust and polish then to preserve the end it all together with the preservative wax TECTYL. Das Ergebnis lies sich aber sehen und dieser Schandfleck ist endlich beseitigt 🙂


Against 15:00 Jose and colleague was also done with the grinding. Jose seems to be a very happy man despite the many and hard work. He is 45 Years old and the father of four children (it works as a forensic pathologist). He wears a black belt (third DAN) in TAEWONDO and trained after work 2 Hours 5 Days a week. It may also two minutes to hold their breath and dive with a harpoon to 15 Meters deep for hunting. Und singen kann er auch ganz gut wie man heute gehört hat 🙂

On Friday, the work should be completed. Then you have “the only” yet the rudder reinstalled and the SUMMER back into the water. But we have a good run and are quite optimistic, that luck will hold us.