Monthly Archives: October 2015

He came, saw…..and bought

Yes you should not talk about unlaid eggs, Therefore, we can introduce you today.

Am letzten Freitag hatten wir Besuch 🙂 Der erste Interessent für unsere SUMMER ließ es sich nicht nehmen, get to know the good even in the water. The crane was scheduled for the afternoon, at 2: 30, and Christian was just in time to 10:00 with us at the pier. After a short coffee break the two men once again made up, to turn a lap at sea with the buzzer. Sailing was not possible, no wind today there was. Was a check of all aggregates but also not so tragic, Optimally, the outing was sailing and facilities.

I remained alone on our CESARINA back and tried there, the chaos to fight. This morning we had the last things, more or less ordered over worn. Actually, there was no getting through more – All bags, Boxes and baskets. Only on our bed, in which we so our first “official” Night had spent on our new home, was delivered not with stuff. This should change in the course of the day but.


After lunch the two men were already short back and in the best mood. Now even the second Headsail had to be cut off and stowed in the bow of the buzzer. Also here was Christian Dietmar skillfully to the hand. If he should decide for the SUMMER, would he have met already quite well so in any case. Meine Hilfe wurde heute auf jeden Fall nicht benötigt 🙂 Und auch zum Bootslift fuhren die Beiden auch ohne mich. Maybe a good decision, because I built on the water yet always so close. So I was able to see one last time from a safe distance, how our SUMMER lift ashore has been raised.


By evening, everything was done then. The summer neatly cleaned the Marina was on a stable hard stand on a safe place at the end. The Lords approved himself a well deserved beer of investors and had still have a lot to tell. It went funny in subsequent eating sushi. What a nice and funny guy. We would really like to leave the Yes our SUMMER.

Also on Saturday was still a lot to do. Today, the cover produced specially for the SUMMER would come at last to the usage. She travels with unused for two years already and well packed in one of the back boxes. The building proved to be costly, but the result could be really. Only in the afternoon were Christian and Dietmar back. Now but still important things had to be discussed. Das war ja keine Vergnügungsreise 🙂

In principle, everything was actually clear :-), but on such a decision it must be thought a bit. Also was to have a conversation with the better half, She had unfortunately not so spontaneously with can travel to Portugal. To prepare further steps, füllten wir aber schon einmal den Kaufvertrag komplett aus und vereinbarten eine Bedenkzeit bis Mittwochmittag 🙂

So Christian went on Sunday morning on the way to Germany and we turned to us again our work on and the CESARINA. Slowly came the time in the country and we are guardedly optimistic about powerlessness Wednesday afternoon.

Wednesday afternoon, we both were then somewhat frustrated. No message, no call – nothing!!! That matched at all with our first impression of Christian. If he had decided against the SUMMER, dann hätte er sich doch wenigsten gemeldet 🙁 Irgendwie sehr merkwürdig.

Wenig später klärte sich die Situation auf 🙂 Schon am Mittag hatte Christian versucht, to reach us by phone. But somehow, Dietmar phone had boycotted all calls. Also the email then sent arrived only late at night. But about five o'clock Dietmar was again available and could take then but personally opposed the good news:

Our SUMMER is sold!!

And it comes in really good hands in our opinion. We wish them only the best, many great experiences and always a Handspan of water under the keel. To put it simply: Es soll für die Beiden mit der SUMMER so spannend weitergehen wie bisher 🙂




Time, to take stock

Undoubtedly some pretty eventful weeks behind us lie for us. Everything could have been simple, would have us not the CESARINA on the way in the Azores. We had to leave everything, as it was and with an admittedly in every respect continue our journey as planned can perfectly equipped ship. Stress-free, worry-free and with plenty of room and time for more excursions, to know how far country and people to learn. But everything was just different and from the very first day the CESARINA has let me think just more "straight". She has captured me and since that day, was I thinking of you, When I went to sleep in the evening and then again when I am aufgewachte. Every day! So it was at that time also, I got to know Katja or was possessed by the desire as I someday, to start a business. Reason or any general conventions are me since always been always been foreign and have always my wish castles and visions subordinate themselves must.



But the adventure "CESARINA" is somehow playing in another dimension. In contrast to my time as an entrepreneur, I always my ideas and visions could implement in the, because a great team and a strong woman behind me confessed, I stood this time often all alone. Katja had made yet over two months almost daily me, She would get off, If I would stick seriously. She had built it, that the subject over time would burn itself out, If the fever would have laid back. Pieter, the previous owner, had I listed all the disadvantages, that would bring such a ship. He said so aptly, that there is absolutely no rational reason, to decide, but only love and passion could justify this enormous effort. But that was the case and so it was as it had to happen. For two days, the SUMMER's country and we live on our CESARINA.


14 Full work days are now behind us. The first time was in the last three months for a period no longer good with our decision. The reason for this was, I have felt, how much Katja suffers stress induced the ambitious project and the mostly by me. I had the sentence "I can't" only once in the last 15 Is years of her. It was even under the skin. The pace with which we've pushed the conversion of the CESARINA, but it was not bad parents. Which to implement in two months, What we used 2 Years have used, can be considered quite well as "very ambitious". Only at that time, we had engaged a company with the equipment of the SUMMER and today we ourselves are. Yet the fact is, that the SUMMER waiting for a buyer. The long-planned holiday with Katja's mother on Madeira has it on top of that even have to cancel, because the time has not simply would have been sufficient. It was just too much for them and me serious doubts, whether I this time not have exaggerated it. I had offered you, to make your holiday on Madeira with your mother. But leave she didn't want me too. As a wife and partner must think very long search "Man".


Katja's mother will come visit US now so in the Caribbean. There is diving and swimming determined as much fun. Katja has established our CESARINA already very comfortable and beautiful and we look forward to the coming and certainly exciting weeks and distant countries.


My dream has become our dream! What could be better? We are good things, finding a new and hopefully happy owner for our SUMMER. Ever the good feeling is back on board, to have everything done right. Also, I can not deny, very proud to be, that we must continue our journey with a such jewel of construction art. Almost every day we come up with other people in the discussion, take our 'vision' for himself as occasion, to work on the implementation of their own dreams. Das muss nicht unbedingt ein Schiff sein 🙂 Einfach nur das Bewusstsein zu haben, It can be very rewarding, If you are trust, einen Schritt ins Ungewisse zu machen 🙂 Auf sein Gefühl zu hören und etwas zu wagen! Es lohnt sich immer 🙂