All posts by Dietmar Henke

About Dietmar Henke


A stormy ride into the land of the Lobster, be true in the sailing dreams

Here we are now! Last Friday we got after a very strenuous crossing from Nassau / Bahamas to Maine in the north of the USA, finally reached our goal. The good 1300 Nautical miles long cruise simply did not want to end. The tropics, with the unusually high temperatures for us, simply make you limp and sluggish in the long run. After all, we stayed in this hot region for a good seven months. The circumstance also made matters worse, that the time of tropical storms in the tropics had already begun and the general wind- and the weather situation for a route to the north is by no means trivial in terms of sailing technology. In plain language that means, that we always face harsh conditions, Wind from the front and strong currents had to be expected. As it turned out, we should go through the full program!



Already on Wednesday, the second day of our tour, ging is the. In the morning at 02:45 That’s what happened on a pitch black night, which we actually always wanted to prevent. In anticipation, that the wind would pick up, we had already reefed the sails vigorously before dark. We learned from past experiences and got used to it, rather on number “for sure” to go, even if we lose speed as a result. Nothing is worse, than having to go to the forecastle at night and work on the mast in wind and a lot of inclination. One look at the radar screen made me shudder! I had to realize, that we were trapped in the middle of a huge low pressure cell. Within a radius of 16 Nautical miles were clearly the heavy rain- and see thunderclouds. Everything was bright green on the screen, no escape possible. After a quick last look around the deck, we closed the companionway and hoped, that everything would go well this time too. I had barely wedged myself back in my seat in the navigation corner, the first thunderstorm gust hit with full force. I had never heard the noises from the rigging and the groaning of the bandages in the hull so loud before. The wind gauge read the number 48,5 Node. Wow! On the Beaufort scale, this roughly corresponds to the wind force 10! I remember, That I felt a little like on an ejector seat. When a ship from 23 Tons only under the mainsail in the second reef suddenly from 7,5 on 11,5 Node is accelerated, then the worry lines grow on their own. It's the moments, in which you have to trust the boat and hope sincerely, that the rig can withstand these insane forces. There is nothing more you can do and you are only a passenger. As always, our CESARINA mastered your job with flying colors. With her typically stoic calm and poise on the rudder, she didn't leave her course and just ran away from the wind. The permanent violent flashes of the many thunderstorms brought some light into the darkness of the night, but they were less conducive to wellbeing below deck.



At seven in the morning the situation had still not calmed down. Constant gusts of 45 Node (Wind strength 9) were our companions even after daybreak. Even after good 4 With the best will in the world, it wasn't possible for us to drive for hours, to get used to the situation and noises. The foothills of the “Tropical Storm” with the name “Colin” really did a great job. Step two came around half past seven. Heavy rain with the intensity of a dimension, at least for us, new. The rain was so heavy, that through the small gap between mast and deck approx. 40 Liters have run into the bilge. The view was partially under 30 Meter. Because of the interference, it was no longer visible on the radar, whether other ships were nearby or not. That was a very uncomfortable thing, since we were practically flying blind.

At some point the storm was over and we were both pretty exhausted. A check on deck then revealed, that not a single part was broken. In general, we were very lucky again, because everything went well. We thanked our CESARINA for the good job and once again I was a little happier, that we are allowed to sail such an ingeniously seaworthy and stable ship.



After this experience, which no sailor will be spared on such a trip, we first felt the need for a break. That is why we decided, to call at the next port. On Saturday, on June 11, we have then reached the Little Creek Marina in Norfolk / Virginia. As so often in the past, kamen wir schnell mit den Menschen über unsere CESARINA in Kontakt und hatten eine schöne und entspannende Zeit dort. Am nächsten Morgen hatten Lynn und Dick, die direkt an der Marina leben, eine nette Überraschung für uns parat. Zum Frühstück haben die beiden uns Erdbeeren und Blaubeeren ans Schiff gebracht. Einfach so. 🙂 Am Abend haben wir dann an Bord gemeinsam einen schönen Abend mit interessanten Gesprächen verbracht. Im Allgemeinen haben wir hier das Gefühl gehabt, herzlich willkommen zu sein. Die Mentalität der Menschen ist so absolut konträr zu vielen Teilen der Bahamas. Eben viel persönlicher und offener als tiefer im Süden, wo scheinbar eher das Portemonnaie im Vordergrund steht.

The last 600 Seemeilen nach Maine haben wir dann in den nächsten Tagen leider meist unter Motor zurücklegen müssen. Der Wind war einfach zu schwach oder er kam eben von vorn. Es war sehr auffällig, dass die Temperaturen mit fortschreitender Reisedauer immer weiter in den Keller gegangen sind. In der Nacht war es ohne Mütze, Pulli und Socken an den Füßen an Deck nicht mehr auszuhalten. Später mussten wir sogar tagsüber dicke Socken anziehen. Maine liegt ja hoch im Norden der USA und die Wassertemperaturen liegen hier bei kuscheligen 11 Grad. Da hatte sogar ich keine Lust mehr an Deck zu duschen:-) No wonder, denn wir hatten ja noch vor wenigen Tagen 29 Grad warmes Wasser 🙂

On Friday 17. Juni haben wir dann endlich Southwest Harbor erreicht und an einer Boje der HINCKLEY Werft festgemacht. We were lucky, on the way to see some whales and many seals. The guys probably robbed the lobster traps. Maine is the US state of lobsters. Thousands of buoys with lobster baskets on the bottom are laid out here, even in the middle of the fairway. We had to go slalom all the time, so as not to get any of the lines into the propeller. The landscape is incredibly beautiful and is very similar to Sweden. Pure nature and wonderfully green! After our time in the tropics, it was the absolute contrast to the last 7 Months.



Here at HINCKLEY some of the most beautiful and high-quality sailing yachts in the USA are built. A traditional shipyard with a high reputation among sailors around the world. Die Menschen sind außergewöhnlich freundlich und bodenständig. Die Werft wurde uns von Freunden wärmstens empfohlen, die selber eine bekannte Werft in Deutschland betreiben. Hier wollen wir unserer CESARINA unter anderem eine neue Lackierung nach dem Crash in Kuba zukommen lassen. Das Teakdeck soll ebenfalls überarbeitet werden und der Motor braucht auch dringend einen größeren Service. Die Werftzeit wollen wir nutzen, um einen längeren Heimaturlaub in Deutschland zu machen. Katja ist bereits gestern geflogen und mein Flieger geht am kommenden Montag. Bis dahin werde ich mich noch um unsere CESARINA kümmern und alle anfallenden Arbeiten mit den Mitarbeitern vor Ort besprechen. Unsere CESARIANA hat es sich redlich verdient 🙂

A buddy tour or pirates set sail

On time like the bricklayers 21.45 stood my old friend Maik with his red travel bag in front of the gangway of our CESARINA. After a big "hello" we ended the evening with a beer in the cockpit. Before that, he quickly swapped the long trousers for a short one and deposited the shoes in our quarantine box on deck until the end of the journey. When it comes to warmth, flip-flops are absolutely sufficient. Since Maik is the last 24 Hours flew across the United States, to come here, he was of course finished and ready for bunk.



The next day was the first short trip to Iles Le Saints to get used to. Maik and his wife Sabine have been attending evening school in California for almost a year, to get her sailing license there. After the first few miles it was clearly visible, that it wasn't his first trip on a sailor. So I let him go almost the entire distance 24 Nautical miles the CESARINA steer and he apparently enjoyed his job very much. Despite or because of their size, it is sometimes not that easy, doing everything right. All maneuvers went well and confidence in my co-skipper grew. After all, I have hardly given the helm of my darling out of hand. In the end we found a brilliant anchorage and looked back on the exciting day, before we disappeared into the bunks late at night. Something like that is called a successful start.





The next morning the dinghy was taken to the beach at Bourg des Saintes, because we wanted to have a look around the island. The trip lasted a good five hours. We hiked to the western tip of Le Saints and felt like it, that the island is populated by free-range goats and dogs. On the water side, countless pelicans dominate the bays and hunt for fish in quite spectacular swoops. At the end it was then still the quite steep and long way up to the fortress "Fort Napoleon". Thank goodness hardly any of the crusaders will run up there on foot. So we had a lot of time and peace to enjoy the wonderful view over the island and the sea. At the end we bought some fresh tomatoes and some vegetables. To my great joy, Maik had given me, that he likes to cook and would also like to take on the job on board. Otherwise it would only have fried eggs during the week, Yogurt and beer from the galley given to J




We anchored at nine o'clock on Monday, because there was a trip to the west coast of Guadeloupe to Pigeon Island. Against 13:00 we dropped anchor about half a mile off the beach at Petit Malendure. The focus here is clearly on diving. In the village, a dozen diving centers offer excursions to the “Costeau Reef”. It was named after the famous French marine explorer Jack Costeau. Class, when people understand more and more, that it is much more sustainable, to earn a living with the beauty of nature, catch the last fish and destroy the reefs. So we booked a dive for the next day. Maik is a very good diver and we were both very surprised by the beauty of the underwater world in the warm and crystal clear water. Countless different types of coral and colorful tropical fish made the dive an impressive experience. Unfortunately, the pictures with my new wide-angle lens didn't turn out so well, because I had unfortunately forgotten to let the air out of the cavity of the camera housing and the lens. Will not happen to me again.


But that wasn't the only highlight of the day. We decided, Sail to Falmouth Harbor / Antigua overnight. The wind should turn north from Thursday until the end of the week and then we would have had a hard time, to get to Antigua by Saturday, so that Maik can reach his plane. The weather forecast predicted very weak winds and so we expected a journey time of eleven to twelve hours for the route of 55 Nautical miles. Shortly after dark we anchored and set sail. Good, that we had practiced these maneuvers again and again before, because at night every move should be perfect. Maik steered the CESARINA out of the bay and then headed north. A night trip for a novice sailing enthusiast could hardly have been more impressive than that night. The starry sky was overwhelming and the CESARINA glided gently through the water. Since you don't see much, the ears suddenly turn into eyes and address the senses in a completely different way. The wind freshened up and out of the planned 5 Cruising speed knots were then 7,5 to 8,5 Knot speed. For me it is always a great feeling to feel, how much security and strength our CESARINA conveys. Apparently Maik felt the same way, because he just couldn't find rest. Trust in him meanwhile let me sleep deeply and soundly in the bunk for an hour, completely relaxed. In other words, he had passed his probationary period J


The unexpectedly high speed resulted, that we were standing in front of the entrance to Falmouth Harbor at two-thirty at night. The manual expressly warns against entering the bay at night. Shallows and unlit objects mean a risk that should not be underestimated. If I hadn't been here before, I wouldn't have made the passage either. After a short time we were safely anchored and we were soon able to go pounding with peace of mind.



On Thursday we took the local bus to St. John and took a tour of the city. We also visited the local museum. The sad story of slavery in particular bothered us both. How cruel people can be. When I think of the current situation in Germany, where the many deeply inhuman posts about refugees appear on Facebook and the like, I am particularly ashamed. That afternoon I wished, that exactly the comrades should get an idea here on site, how well we are in Germany. But I'm afraid, that would be "spoken in the wind".

On Friday we sailed towards Jolly Harbor and dropped anchor in Deep Bay. I would know, that the SY LONI 3 would also be here with Eckhard and his wife Loni. We sailed across the Bay of Biscay together and have kept in touch ever since.


Because of our draft of 2.60 m, we had chosen an anchorage in deeper water and I was a few hundred meters across the bay to the anchorage of the LONI 3 swam. Eckhard had created a sundowner to welcome them, who had it all. After a further 3 I was still drunk for hours. Even after swimming back on board, I was still dizzy. When Eckhard does something, then he does it really thoroughly. The next day I found out, that 80% rum was involved J Cheers!


The week went by quickly and on Saturday around half past twelve Maik was already sitting in the taxi to the airport. We had a good week and he was able to soak up some sun for a few days and at least forget about his company for a while. I would prefer to use our guests' smartphones purely for “self-protection”, who come here to relax on board, close it in the safe or deactivate the email function.

In any case, I'm really looking forward to my dive on Monday morning with “INDIGO Divers” and to Katja's return on Monday afternoon J


Men time – Technology and lots of TLC


Katja is now already for almost two weeks in Germany and spends time with her family, Friends and horses. Before she departed, she has me a decent list with some quite tricky “homework” to hand over, so it will not be the man on board in the Marina Bas-Du-Fort boring. After the nearly 2 Years to travel with her husband at times exhausting, it was once again time, to define the standards of our trip again and align then fit new. The joy and the desire for new destinations and adventure does no abort, but rather increases or desire. With the outlook, after all, the views and perspectives on everything that is going on around you also change. In any case, we're looking forward to that 8. February 2016, wenn ich Katja in Antigua wieder an Bord habe und Ihr dann die vielen neuen Errungenschaften und Verbesserungen an unserer CESARINA präsentieren werde. Außerdem feiern wir dann am 22. Februar unser 15. jähriges Zusammensein. Hab sie immer noch so lieb wie am ersten Tag 🙂


Eigentlich hatte ich mich mit meinem alten Kumpel Martin für eine Woche Segeln und Tauchen verabredet. Die Freude darauf war beiderseitig groß bis zu seinem Anruf. Gesundheitliche Probleme ließen unsere Pläne wie eine Seifenblase platzen und die Enttäuschung war ganz besonders auf Martins Seite sehr groß. Allein wollte ich auch nicht segeln, weil mir das Schiff bei den Anlegemanövern einfach zu groß ist. Und es zu riskieren, meine geliebte CESARINA zu beschädigen, kommt für mich nicht in Frage. Somit hatte ich wieder Zeit für meine lange Liste an Aufgaben.

Eine gute Gelegenheit für mich, meiner langjährigen und auf Dauer auch ruinösen Lieblingsbeschäftigung zu frönen. Die zahlreichen Yachtausrüster verführen einen ja schon direkt sich eingehend mit den angebotenen Leckereien zu befassen und bereits schon beim Aufrüsten des Einkaufwagens eine Argumentationsmatrix für die Notwendigkeit der Produkte gegenüber der Chefin zurecht zu legen. Darin bin ich aber geübt und kann das auch schon ziemlich gut 🙂 Nur als ich den kompletten Bestand an “Height”-Paint had cleared out of the shelf and have asked the seller at the counter, I wondered it myself, if I had, it might not again somewhat exaggerated. Had I but also immediately in discussion with other yachties, who probably wondered, where I or let it all. will process. In general, the recognition and appreciation among boat owners quite large, if someone makes zoom to the painting of wooden constructions. The smell of fresh paint is attractive and the gloss on the fine woods just beautiful. That's how it is, if you have a true classic. A lot of work, much joy and much TLC (Abbreviation of “Tender Loving Care”).




After three days I had about 30 Journal sandpaper consumed, 6 worked up brush and 3 Liter “high brilliant varnish” painted. the cockpit, the deckhouse, the cover strips, the table, the stairs in decline, the windows and the doors I have from first- or. abraded and 2-3 times painted with glossy paint. Previously, I had cordoned off with tape access to the ship, so just no one can accidently step on the surfaces. Partly it looked after grinding, as if someone has dumped a bag of flour over the CESARINA. The result has become really convincing to a very large extent. It looks, than if the timber is under a thick layer of clear water. One can partly truly reflect the fact. So slowly I am learning, how to make a perfect “Finish” and perfect surfaces hinbekommt. Ein Jahr weiter und dann werden auch noch die letzten Fehlerstellen ausgebessert sein 🙂 Lackieren ist wirklich alles andere als trivial. But it's very satisfying, if the result is correct.



On the days in between, I installed a fan over our bunk during the day. That was at the top of Katja's list, because when the air is in the boat at night, it gets pretty stuffy and hot. This means, that the woman sleeps badly and is not in a good mood the next morning. It's not good for the man at all. The next big construction site was our air conditioning. We have two of them on board and the one for the salon was unfortunately out of action. Whenever I look at the tangle of pipes, engines, Pumps and hoses, they cast deep built-in inside plant, I have the door closed and the same rate again. Too complex and confusing, To deal with it in detail. Today then was the technician of the company ICEBERG aboard, to solder a crack in the piping of the gas supply of the compressor, to evacuate the plant after that and be filled with a special gas, and ultimately to take the unit into operation. The day before, I had already isolated and expanded the whole unit from the water circuit. Also I already had a new water pump for the secondary circuit incorporated. A backup of the control was to renew and after two hours of joint work we started then the device. The result was overwhelming! From the ventilation slots in the salon, There was cold air in the bathroom and bedchamber! Almost jumped out of his pants for joy and the technician also had the big grin on his face. Now I have finally understood the system and then properly wired and screwed it again. It can go on like this!


To celebrate the day, I installed a loudspeaker for our VHF radio with Martin's help over the phone. Now we can finally follow important messages in the cockpit and don't always have to go to the radio below deck. In addition to a lot of other work on the ship in almost all areas, the list is almost finished. But a big task is still waiting, to be done. In Martinique we had a gas alarm on board in the middle of the day. The reason for this was our batteries, that were charged by one of our two chargers with a voltage that was far too high. 27,6 Volt is the absolute highest voltage that our batteries can handle. With the displayed 32 Volts start to gas the batteries and go dead in a very short time, when they are then dried out. Thank goodness we noticed that in time. So the VICTRON charger is gone! Tomorrow the new device will finally be delivered, that I before 10 Days at Solarshop in Aiblingen / Bavaria. Twice the performance, High-frequency technology and that with the same dimensions as the old device. Mr. Lardy is there, the managing director and has settled really over backward, that all hurdles such as customs and shipping were taken. This I will then install itself and I am looking forward already huge. Every day, one learns that, and that alone keeps me at least in a good mood and momentum:-) I'm curious, What is Katja say to all….


but the evening entertainment was just as great and diverse as it did the entire day. Frank from the SY Jucunda, who had also arrived here with his brother Stefan and all our sailing friend Kai day before Katie's departure, had before, to treat his ship here a new underwater paint. It was really fun, to drive the ship together to the boat lift and put it on land there. In the evenings we were mostly out and about together and had a lot of fun together. A few days ago Peter and Petra from SY MERIDIAN took me to go shopping and in the evening we had dinner together. Yesterday I met Regina and Matthias from SY JASINA. The two come from Lübeck and Hamburg and sail on their ETAP 32 already since 3 Years through world history Another beautiful evening with loved ones and very interesting and meaningful conversations. The last few days I have once again felt very comfortable and in good hands. It's just like that, that I need this community and it's very nice, to exchange ideas with other people and to spend time.

On Friday my old friend Maik from Los Angelos will land here. We already plan 31 I learned the trade of glass apparatus builder together in the same company for many years. Maik emigrated to America shortly afterwards and has his company “Glassware” founded, which he still manages successfully today. We never lost touch and I'm really looking forward to our time together here on board. We will cast off here on Saturday and will be sailing for a week, Dive and have fun together. We are almost like brothers and I am very happy, that maybe I can teach Maik something about sailing. What could be better than a tour with friends? At least I'll try, that we have a great time. Everything else arises!


Congratulations, Mrs. Henke……..!

“Congratulations, Mrs. Henke!
As of today you are married with a paint brush”

These were the words of our English sailing friends David and Ann, When they learned of the purchase of the CESARINA. David sailing all his life and has to observe over the last several years in the seemingly endless painting of the CESARINA staff of the yacht service in Angra/Terceira. Exactly but I wished so that. A new project and a new full time job with a “meditative” Side effect. Such a classic you can just buy and then put your feet up. You must work out ships of this type, to own it someday. For that you get something, What has a special charm and good for the soul.


Good 6 Weeks after we picked it up from the Azores, can we say with pride, We have hinbekommen everything quite well. In gut 4 Weeks as planned we can cross the Atlantic and sail in the Caribbean.

It was interesting to watch, What does this boat on the personality effect. The workload and the amount of work to be done was very large. In addition there were also still quite a few surprises, that would have been previously easily enough, me like a HB male through the ceiling to let go. There were special moments, as Brian, the boss of the Carpenter, came to us and said “I have bad news for you” and so a special facial expression got.

First he told me, that the teak deck is due to revise. After his rough estimate is well 1000 Meter sealant, that must be removed and new name. A work, the 4 Craftsman would employ for a month. Well, What's it all about?, I just thought and started, to order me the necessary tools for this job. Because I am looking forward now to the moment, When I'm done and our CESARINA again a piece is perfect. The problem is that while still not solved, but by this point of view I'm staying relaxed and feel pretty well.



A few days later, then once again a “I have bad news for you”. A further investigation of the bodies one of the Carpenter has determined, that there is something wrong between Fiberglass and teak building. Water! Then slowly the layers when he started with the chisel to pay off, ran out of the water just out of isolation. Again this strange feeling started to grow. Instead of being disappointed or resigned, I was looking forward, We have excellent professionals on board, are available in the solution of the problem facing the US. The joy on a positive end result and a more perfect vessel is greater than the negative feeling of pain or disappointment. It's nice, When you have people at his side, you trust them and support a, If there are thick.


These kind of messages were not isolated. Nevertheless they have can never really spoil the mood us. Us was clear from the outset, that we have chosen for a ship, that takes a lot and really also required in all other respects. But it returns very much. Me such feeling and consciousness to something very special call my own. Or the feeling of satisfaction, When the wood after painting begins to glow and literally radiate natural beauty. How many times I sit in the cockpit and enjoy the sight. Interestingly it is not just me alone, but also other people, that I'm on the ship in the conversation.

I'm always happy, When Katja with light eyes others our boat shows. Also, not a day goes by, When anyone passing by comes or goes and picks the thumb. Das macht mich schon ziemlich froh 🙂

A friend has a guestbook entry (and an equally successful businessman) written by us: “It's been exciting to read, that one also without “Objectives”, Objectives can have, you are to live…. ”

That is increasingly aware, If I am just again unhappy with the situation, because things don't go, how I want it. The subject “CESARINA” with all the drum around told us in the last 4 Months so a lot requires. But just to look forward and to try, all odds to overcome, has brought much positive with me at the end of. I love my wife even more for everything, what she did for us. And I have come a bit closer in the ways my inner peace, I succeed always better, just to keep the feet still.


I would like to just continue to discover the beauty of our Earth with my Katja, and lead a beautiful life. And on our CESARINA, which is in my opinion of one of the most beautiful ships, die ich jemals gesehen habe 🙂


Time, to take stock

Undoubtedly some pretty eventful weeks behind us lie for us. Everything could have been simple, would have us not the CESARINA on the way in the Azores. We had to leave everything, as it was and with an admittedly in every respect continue our journey as planned can perfectly equipped ship. Stress-free, worry-free and with plenty of room and time for more excursions, to know how far country and people to learn. But everything was just different and from the very first day the CESARINA has let me think just more "straight". She has captured me and since that day, was I thinking of you, When I went to sleep in the evening and then again when I am aufgewachte. Every day! So it was at that time also, I got to know Katja or was possessed by the desire as I someday, to start a business. Reason or any general conventions are me since always been always been foreign and have always my wish castles and visions subordinate themselves must.



But the adventure "CESARINA" is somehow playing in another dimension. In contrast to my time as an entrepreneur, I always my ideas and visions could implement in the, because a great team and a strong woman behind me confessed, I stood this time often all alone. Katja had made yet over two months almost daily me, She would get off, If I would stick seriously. She had built it, that the subject over time would burn itself out, If the fever would have laid back. Pieter, the previous owner, had I listed all the disadvantages, that would bring such a ship. He said so aptly, that there is absolutely no rational reason, to decide, but only love and passion could justify this enormous effort. But that was the case and so it was as it had to happen. For two days, the SUMMER's country and we live on our CESARINA.


14 Full work days are now behind us. The first time was in the last three months for a period no longer good with our decision. The reason for this was, I have felt, how much Katja suffers stress induced the ambitious project and the mostly by me. I had the sentence "I can't" only once in the last 15 Is years of her. It was even under the skin. The pace with which we've pushed the conversion of the CESARINA, but it was not bad parents. Which to implement in two months, What we used 2 Years have used, can be considered quite well as "very ambitious". Only at that time, we had engaged a company with the equipment of the SUMMER and today we ourselves are. Yet the fact is, that the SUMMER waiting for a buyer. The long-planned holiday with Katja's mother on Madeira has it on top of that even have to cancel, because the time has not simply would have been sufficient. It was just too much for them and me serious doubts, whether I this time not have exaggerated it. I had offered you, to make your holiday on Madeira with your mother. But leave she didn't want me too. As a wife and partner must think very long search "Man".


Katja's mother will come visit US now so in the Caribbean. There is diving and swimming determined as much fun. Katja has established our CESARINA already very comfortable and beautiful and we look forward to the coming and certainly exciting weeks and distant countries.


My dream has become our dream! What could be better? We are good things, finding a new and hopefully happy owner for our SUMMER. Ever the good feeling is back on board, to have everything done right. Also, I can not deny, very proud to be, that we must continue our journey with a such jewel of construction art. Almost every day we come up with other people in the discussion, take our 'vision' for himself as occasion, to work on the implementation of their own dreams. Das muss nicht unbedingt ein Schiff sein 🙂 Einfach nur das Bewusstsein zu haben, It can be very rewarding, If you are trust, einen Schritt ins Ungewisse zu machen 🙂 Auf sein Gefühl zu hören und etwas zu wagen! Es lohnt sich immer 🙂

Always on the nose – or the female dictation

I have just received a phone call from my wife, that just filled a very nice weekend spent with Glücksseeligkeit in Aachen at the European Championships of the European equestrian elite with your mother and other enthusiasts. The other side of the coin is (at least for me), I guess some of the very poor care have accused our Web page on my part. Katja has in it over the last 14 Months continuous high performance and availability to the events our journey in written and pictorial representation of the day set. Fast 100.000 Calls to our site to show me, that there must be at least a keen interest. Hats off, Lady to your great commitment! The unmistakable invitation to contribute once again, I'm of course “like” nach denn ich möchte meine Frau doch gern in einer guten Stimmungslage wieder am kommenden Dienstag an Bord in Empfang nehmen 🙂 Nach dem starken vorletzten Wochenende mit dem “Grand Prix of Porto” on the Douro River much so not too occurred. On last Sunday and Monday were Louis and Annick from the French SY TAMARIN to guest on board. Our ongoing for many months friendship among sailors has kept until today. We have and on Gomera, Tenerife, Terceira and hit again in Porto and were in a common sailing trip here again have fun together. It is also clear, that one has always to tell news if you are constantly on axis.


After I because in our SUMMER in recent days nearly “clinically pure” Put State and the first time itself to suspend had nothing more, had to let me come up with something to fill the days and to maintain my good mood. Since good 2 I've started weeks after many years back, every day before breakfast to grab my shoes and go to run. The first 5 Minutes are somewhat exhausting but once it to operating temperature it's fun really. Then I feel good and the breakfast tastes better. I'm doing the days in between 100 Mood does squats and also the. Would like to not think of the faces of the berthing place neighbors, wenn die Summer immer anfängt dabei ganz leicht zu schaukeln 🙂


Yesterday I've given once a special fun me. For a trip in the Douro Valley, where to grow the grapes for the ingenious port, I borrowed a scooter! Previously I would have embarrassed what, as a part of the area to ride. Finally, I was always passionate, and also very quick with my “Yoshimura Hayabusa” and their 200 Horsepower at the rear wheel on the road. Well, with 15 HP's also quite okay and it was even fun. (bitte nicht weitererzählen 🙂 )

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On the way through Porto I pushed even a tasty ham sandwich with cheese and for dessert of have a kind of Portuguese Spritzkuchen between the gills me to strengthen. Then it went off from the city out and then always “leisurely” on the Douro River along. One can not imagine, how fast is 80 Km/h on part of so feel


After a relatively short settling-in period I felt then also quite safe and relaxed. Time passed and eventually I found, that's now time would be the box to refuel before it went to the right wild out again. It was eh just a few houses and much less filling stations to see. The next pump was so my.



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There was only a small problem….. Even after 15 Minutes failed me with the best will to open the fuel cap. The lender showed Yes extra's me and it should be no problem to push a button, which then releases the release from the tank lid. It was not, and even after a long time, The thing did not simply hitting on all trim parts and all kinds of loud curses! So I decided to drive back and whisper a few bars the man. With a heavy dose of frustration in my stomach had to suffer the roller then something. In any case, a car and even a motorcycle has overtaken more us. Somehow it was even fun to heat so quickly, it was possible to me with that thing :- Back at the rental I did then the really nice (and also pretty) Associate with slightly slower foam reported by my frustration. Before I arrived I had tried everything of course again, to get to the door. I wanted to stand there Yes like a fool. Of course it came as it had to come. She pressed the button and the thing went on. I thought I'm dreaming! Like the? The solution was quite simple. You had to press just firmly enough….. Full purple cheeks in the face, I You then have a picture of my Hayabusa shown to show, I'm actually not too stupid to deal with a real motorcycle. She gave me the feeling of at least, dass sie mit mir fühlen kann 🙂 Dann habe ich mich sehr schnell vom Acker gemacht und ihm Boot verkrochen. This happened to me again I hope! Man lernt eben nie aus 🙂

This is my “Honey” 🙂 > 300 km/h and tested on the Nordschleife! IMG_0262

Widower contra Chandlery and formula 1 on the Douro River

Exactly a week ago I took Katja taxi to Porto airport. A bad tooth had signed up over night with nasty pain with her and forced her to do so, the planned visit to Germany two weeks ahead to lay. Since I would again “Widower wider Willen” call. If this continues, then I'll me a next time “Widower-Crown” tinker and every day this March through the port. Then people will say “Let's look at the poor guy, the wife of Board which runs in any second port”. As I heard, bekommt man Mitleid ja geschenkt 🙂 Naja, What's it all about?! Anyway everything is only half as much fun, If my Katja is not there. Meistens jedenfalls 🙂

However, the advantage is, that you can focus fully and entirely, New to discover and maintain dating. As for example the relationship with the Chandlery “Douro River Marina” here in the port. Things were on the list of work to be done on the ship as: Motor Service, Trim threads renew on the sailing, Customize allow suspension for autopilot, Deck floodlight renew and much more. With these things I have in all these media ignorant “Lady” behind the desk in the retail space confronts. Chewing gum chewing, with long fingernails and a slight touch of arrogance and profound ignorance, she said to me, that I would receive an email with the requested work offers in the next few days.

Last year I had here left a lot of money and was really pleased with the service of your colleagues. But despite repeated demand on different days, I've got until today, no info. So I took care of me finally everything myself.

With great joy, and to compensate for my frustration I would tinker like to a second Crown and her on her oh so beautiful main set. If I only knew, What “Sales brake” means in Portuguese, then I'd write it in neon on the edge of the Crown. This yacht shop is thus in my personal ranking 47 Rank fell from 47 visited shops. Das musste mal gesagt werden 🙂


On Saturday I borrowed bike in the shop next door, to move my weary bones and to make a trip to Porto. I had been wondering on the way, Why were the streets of so full of people, could make me but not figure it out. By chance, the boss of the bike kept me then located in Porto- and scooter rental company on the road to. He told me, that on the Douro River a powerboat race held tomorrow would and pressed me a programme in the hand. “Grande Premio Portugal – F1 Motonautica” Cool, Formula 1 on the water! You need to know, that the six-meter-long and 390 KG heavy boats from carbon and Kevlar in just four seconds of 0 on 160 Km/h speed and good 240 Km/h are fast. This is a very serious announcement and promises Motorsport in the border area, exactly to my taste.



On Sunday, the big race in the premier class should be to 17:15 Start. Against 13:30 I had already saddled the bike and was on the road in the direction of Porto. The event I wanted to miss me and that I wanted to secure a place in the front row. So I actually Braised the next two and a half hours in the Sun and chained me formally with my bike on a fence set, from which you all could see. It was trained diligently and in the opening act, the Renner of formula delivered 4 Series have some fierce duels with flips and somersaults in the air. Also a very talented stunt pilot has demonstrated to us, what you all can do with a plane. One must imagine only once, has found the fun in the middle of the city above the roofs of Porto. Irre gut 🙂



If so a boat, top speed over the water boarded, are virtually only parts of the rails and screw in the water. The rest of the boat is located in the air. It is problematic, When crossing the lines of boats and the rear boat will be transported from the shaft of the front man in the air. Is the angle too steep, the boat like a rocket climbs and beats somersaults in the air, until it hits again on the surface. At the speeds the water is hard as concrete! I know, what it's like, with a race car head-on into a guardrail to embark on. That hurts a lot and produces a lot of breakage. Who wants to be fast, just what must risk and may not be afraid. What the guys here have shown, was exciting motor sport at its very best at the highest level! Class!

Here is the video from the start! Please times loud turn up the speakers and enjoy the sound:-)

Deeply satisfied and excessively impressed viewers the pilots in the lap of honour gave a vigorous round of applause. It was already a very cool number much thrill and no soft washed sport event. That have accordingly rewarded the people and also looking forward. I would turn like even a few rounds with as a Bumblebee…… 🙂 Mal sehen, What's coming, If the sailing should be once too slow. Als alter Sack werde ich dort aber ganz sicher keine Krone mehr gewinnen 🙂




In anticipation of the 24H-Rennen and a double gulp behind the Fascia

Heute war ein guter Tag 🙂 Nach vielen Wochen voller Besuche von Sehenswürdigkeiten und Fotosafaris im Schlepp meiner Frau stand heute die Befriedigung einer meiner vordringlichen Bedürfnisse auf der Tagesordnung. In the island's capital Funchal is a car race with classic cars held each year. The videos for this event looked quite promising and had awakened my curiosity at least. For months I'm already about out of the mostly extremely underpowered rubber-tired “Walking AIDS” to get out, but without a significant gain of pleasure. Quite the contrary, the constant Maulen of my stressed passenger just because of a few squealing tires or overtaking, is time really on the mind. But flaunting suffering and the beautiful days of our trip are very much more than just a compensation for this punishment. Aber irgendwie muss ich mich mindestens mental auf das 24H-Rennen in der nächsten Woche vorbereiten 🙂

So we want to look, was die Madeirer hier so Feines in ihren Garagen versteckt haben 🙂 Gegen 14:30 were we then arrived at the scene. Middle from the harbour promenade the treasures were on a great place on high-gloss polished in a species-appropriate environment. What shall I say….I was thrilled, because I was not here expecting some finds. The greatest feeling on public roads has been a BMW X 5 from the year 2009 and one of the little specimens, not on several corners already “on fucked” war 🙂

Below a small selection of Bentley, Jaguar, MG, Austin, Ford, Renault, Alfa Romeo etc..















After the first curiosity was deleted, We sat down in the adjacent outdoor café on the corner and ordered us two great Shandy (Cyclists), because the hot midday sun burnt very nice violently on our fur. As the good lady then later with two 1 Liter jugs filled with the slightly alcoholic delicacies marched on we were already somewhat flabbergasted. That was already Bavarian dimensions. Who should drink it all because and after that with a clear conscience to drive? The solution was quite simple. Katja had to be used and 1,5 Tilt liters behind the bandage and I did the rest. For €13 plus tip, we felt compelled directly, everything to plaster and to leave nothing. On the way back I had a fantastically relaxed (you could also say angetrunkene) Co-pilot. There were also no charges more in the fast right-hand corners, If the whole trip because of the crooked rear axle always easily came in the pitching and we most needed two roadway widths, um sicher durch die Kurven zu kommen 🙂

Das war ein guter Tag 🙂

Blue fingers and black feet

It is a strange feeling, that our SUMMER rocking motion and when you look out the window, then you look once six feet in depth to the water surface.


Yesterday and today were days of work and dirt. The paws are constantly full of goo, Color, Dichtmasse und die Fußsohlen sind am Abend so schwarz wie Stempelkissen 🙂 Daran beißt sich sogar ein Schwamm aus Stahlwolle die Zähne aus :-). Have accustomed myself since Monday, evening to go with shoes in the shower. Then I can imagine me at least, that the black broth of the shoe sole is. Das hilft 🙂 Unsere SUMMER hat sich in eine echte Baustelle verwandelt und um dem geordneten Chaos etwas Ordnung einzuhauchen, we vacate the evening all the tools again neatly back to the place, where we have also hergenommen.



Jose wanted to come yesterday and start sanding the hull. The poor lad but was constantly sent to other ships and at noon it was clear, that it would be nothing more. Does not matter, dann eben morgen 🙂 Wir nutzten die Zeit, reduce the partially decomposed strongly sacrificial anodes, To polish stainless steel mesh, to procure new sacrificial anodes, to overtake the propeller of the bow thruster and clean the SPW-rotary-wing propeller and fill with new grease.


For lunch Katja had once again conjured up something delicious on the table. After such a meal you right back in the mood, to plunge back into the labor.

A small problem but we have already, because we can indeed be no more water running. Probably the others would thank us, wenn plötzlich aus den Ventilen über Ihren Köpfen irgendwelches Abwasser herauslaufen würde 🙂 Man muss es sich schon gut überlegen, how much one evening nor drinks, because “Pischbox” is yes 150 Meters. In addition, one would have in the night even climb down the ladder. Da sollte man besser richtig wach sein 🙂 Die Nummer mit der Flasche im Bad ist auch keine wirkliche Option wenn man den Frieden an Bord bewahren möchte 🙂 Also, who drinks much just have to run too often. It's that simple!



At noon today it finally went with the grinding of the old antifouling down to business. Jose had brought a colleague and together they ground like champions. At times, the boys had disappeared in a cloud of mist of blue sanding dust. One could get the impression, that there were two Smurfs dabble along. It's a really hard job and for this we have the two rewarded with a decent tip.


Without Words! On the rest is our SUMMER. Arbeitssicherheit auf kanarisch 🙂 Bisher ist aber noch kein Schiff von den Böcken gefallen, I've heard….


Today, we have dedicated ourselves fully to the bathing platform. The thing was so so rusted and the screws partially rotted, that it was a real slog to remove all the screws, to remove rust and reinstate. The bathing ladder, we have completely disassembled, the welded brackets and beams were to remove rust and polish then to preserve the end it all together with the preservative wax TECTYL. Das Ergebnis lies sich aber sehen und dieser Schandfleck ist endlich beseitigt 🙂


Against 15:00 Jose and colleague was also done with the grinding. Jose seems to be a very happy man despite the many and hard work. He is 45 Years old and the father of four children (it works as a forensic pathologist). He wears a black belt (third DAN) in TAEWONDO and trained after work 2 Hours 5 Days a week. It may also two minutes to hold their breath and dive with a harpoon to 15 Meters deep for hunting. Und singen kann er auch ganz gut wie man heute gehört hat 🙂

On Friday, the work should be completed. Then you have “the only” yet the rudder reinstalled and the SUMMER back into the water. But we have a good run and are quite optimistic, that luck will hold us.




15 Tons set in the countryside

Promptly at 9:00 waved the Marinero over to us, thus giving the sign, that we should get ready, to position our SUMMER with the stern first under the crane. Katja and I had discussed the maneuver before, and we both knew, what to do. Without haste and bustle of the SUMMER was also soon occupied at the four mooring and swam centrally aligned under the lift. The wide straps were already under the ship and were now in position to the crane brands (Markers, where the belt should lie) brought. It's a huge difference, whether it makes each year on the yacht service his ship, then spend it in the winter period or if you have to do everything yourself J. But man grows well known with his duties.



After a thorough inspection, we went up slowly and after about five minutes our deck was level with the quay. Now it was time, to leave the boat. Our SUMMER was liberated with steam from algae and other vegetation, before it was then transported to the final parking position.



Now only really came the moment, who had given me in the last few days the biggest headache. The rudder had to get out, because we had a problem with the rudder stock. Again, we were well prepared. Meanwhile, I dismantled the rudder quadrant of the massive rudder of the ship, Katja had made a device made of linen and two pulleys and placed around the rudder. Katja lifted the good 80 Pound part with the help of Jose a piece and I was able to solve the last bolt on deck, still fixed the rudder. Katja device kept the weight and lift lifted the SUMMER slowly in the air. With each additional centimeter the rudder slipped further out from the camp, until it was free after one meter. Jose was amazed, as we were carrying away the hard part, because with so much weight he had not counted on J. But precisely because of its solid construction and quality we have opted for a yacht of the SCHÖCHL shipyard. After a further 45 Minutes into our SUMMER on all sides supported on their parking lot. We noticed in any case a large stone of the heart, because everything had gone much better than expected!


The inspection of the rudder camp revealed, that it was in excellent condition. No visible corrosion on the bearing body or significant traces of wear on the moving parts of the camp were observed. Also there SCHÖCHL has probably done a great job too, Jose J of Marinero was impressed by the quality generally visibly excited. The positive judgment would be the owner of course very, after all, some ships see the boys so over the years and have an eye for, what works and what does not.


Finally, we sat in the evening satisfied in the salon of SUMMER. The damage seemed to be only a few faulty seals in the rudder stock restrict. After more than eight years may happen like once. We were very happy, that we were not in the South Seas on the go. Because there would certainly have been less funny, after each trip 30-60 Pumping gallons of water out of the boat and have no yard with lift near. From the lack of specialized tools and spare parts too, of course. According to Internet shipment tracking, we had the last few days checked again and again, should the new seals already arrive tomorrow with UPS here.